Escape the Gravitational Pull of Sheet Music!

Imagine breaking free from the constraints of written notes, floating weightlessly through musical galaxies of your own creation. No, this isn’t a $55 million SpaceX flight – it’s the thrill of improvisation on your harp!

Welcome aboard your spaceship: your HARP, your vessel for interstellar creativity! From October 7-13, come with me and hundreds of other harpists – on a FREE 5-Day Harp Improv Adventure that will launch you into uncharted musical territories.

Your Mission, Should You Choose to Pluck it!

  • Daily 15-minute self-paced mini-trainings: Perfect for busy earthlings
  • Break the force-field of perfectionism: Experience connection, not perfection! And FUN!
  • Harness the POWER PROGRESSION: Your rocket fuel for musical exploration
  • Daily prizes for daring voyagers, a grand prize worth nearly $800 and EVERYONE wins the greatest prize of all: the freedom of improvisation!
  • Open to all skill levels: From Fledgling to Professional – I show you the basics of how to fly – you take it as high as YOU want to fly right now!

No NASA Training Required!

Whether you’re a novice strummer or a seasoned harpist, this adventure is for YOU. All harps, all ages, all skill levels welcome. You’ll learn to navigate the cosmos of creativity using the universal language of music.

You’ll get a secret decoder ring (actually, it’s more like a secret decoder sentence) that will unlock the world of improvising on a chord progression even if you know nothing about harmony, theory or how to read music.

The Ultimate Reward? Freedom!

EVERYONE gets the greatest prize of all – the exhilarating freedom of improvisation. The skill you learn in this adventure gives you the ability to create music spontaneously anytime, anywhere. And at the end I’ll tell you how you can use that skill to create dozens of arrangements of simple melodies – like Holiday Songs – so you can just sit down and PLAY!

Ready for lift-off? Join now and get right into the Learning Hub, where you can warm-up on a bonus class that will set you up for creative success.

Turn your harp into a launchpad of limitless musical possibilities. Join me starting Mon. Oct. 7, 2024 at

Deborah Henson Conant & Hip Harp Academy present



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Join for Freebies, Stories & News

Join to get weekly-ish emails with stories, videos & events like concerts & classes

Yay! You should get my next newsletter within the next 7-10 days. I'm so happy we'll be in touch!

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

Woohoo! You'r Registered for the 2022 "5-Day Harp Improv" Challenge!