Nearly every Friday morning, around 9:15, I meet with a Jungian Psychoanalyst. No, no … it’s not what you think — she’s a harpist – and for years, we’ve been having this weekly conversation about music, philosophy, and the experience of transformation. In public. Online – as a video podcast. And YOU’RE invited to join us for Jung at Harp today starting around 9:15.

Click here to watch the streaming Live on YOUTUBE and sometimes also on FACEBOOK

In last Friday’s “Jung at Harp” episode, Kathleen and I started by looking at the fascinating “Caterpillar and Butterfly Metaphor” — that mind-blowing transformation from a squishy caterpillar into a majestic butterfly. And my favorite aspect of it: the mysterious ‘goo’ stage where the caterpillar melts in the chrysalis and unlocks the ‘imaginal disc’ that holds the secrets of transforming into a butterfly, even though the caterpillar itself has zero clue what’s going on.

The conversation shifted into the realm of music and to the power of harmonic progressions — the sequence of chords that underlie any melody – and how repeating a progression becomes its own cocoon – a playing meditation that expands our experience beyond the ‘ordinary’ self we know – a way to invite the unknown into our lives.

Watch the “Jung At Harp” playlist of episodes here

Join us on the playground of thought where art meets psyche a weekly video conversation with me and Kathleen Wiley!

If you are a harpist, explore ways to get freedom from the notes on the page in Hip Harp Academy. Click here to learn more. 

Harpists Who Dare!

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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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