“Making this video actually allowed me to come back to myself, my inner peace and so regain new, positive energy.” ~ Heleen Vandeputte

Heleen Vandeputte shares photos of her trip to Brazil accompanied by meditative harp music. The music is based on chords from a Brazilian children’s song and uses inspiration sayings from Yoga.


Heleen is one of the daring harpists who are challenging themselves to develop new ways of self-expression in Hip Harp Academy by combining the skills and tools of improv with each person’s natural abilities and passions – creating new hybrids of expression that expand what it means to be a harp player.

Harpists who Dare!

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[Updated by DHC 231019]

If you love the PROCESS of learning, like I do – make sure you read on.  Whenever a member of the Academy shares a project, I ask them to share their process as well, because that PROCESS creates a gift of illumination for all of us about how we can approach any creative project ourselves.



“From the chats I used: “keep it simple”, “go back to the essence”, use images on music, try out new things…..”

From the chats I used: keep it simple, go back to the essence, use images on music, try out new things Share on X

1. Describe your final project.

This is a meditative video, with harp music based on slow chords from a Brazilian children song, pictures from our trip to Brazil and some sentences that were inspired by a Yoga class I took long time ago……

2. What principles from this course or from chats did you use to develop, perform, and record this project – and how did they play a part in your process?

From the chats I used: “keep it simple”, “go back to the essence”, use images on music, try out new things…..

Making this video actually allowed me to come back to myself, my inner peace and so regain new, positive energy. Share on X

3. Give a short description of what it took for you to be able to play what you did – both logistically and emotionally.

For the moment, I play more often for meditation sessions, yoga sessions, ….. September is a month of new beginnings, beginning of a new school year, new projects, new colleagues, new energy…. It is a month where I often feel overwhelmed. Making this video actually allowed me to come back to myself, my inner peace and so regain new, positive energy. It was a moment to allow myself, just to be with my harp, the way I like, leave all the other things and thoughts on the side…… and it wasn’t easy…….

4. What freedoms and blocks within yourself did you connect with (or struggle with) in the process?

Feeling that what I play, even if it is not that difficult, is good enough. The beauty of the music, the intention or message I want to pass with it is more important than the technical difficulty.

The beauty of the music, the intention or message I want to pass with it is more important than the technical difficulty. Share on X

5. What challenges did you meet while connecting with your own freedom of expression in this project?

Allow myself to choose to make this video and make it a priority…… and not let all the other obligations get in the way…….. sit down, take that time just for myself……

6. What other parts of your life were impacted by what you learned in this class, and how?

Taking time for myself allows me to be more at peace and focused in general……..

7. What were your personal “Ahas”?

I actually can make a video based on images!

8. Is there anything else you want people to know when they watch your video?

Yes, when people watch this, I want them to know that they all are amazing persons. Being part of the academy, all the chats, is an inspiration, and allowed me to come back to my essence on the harp……. And I am not sure of my English in the sentences I’ve put… 



Hey, thanks for reading this example of what it’s like to go thru a course with me! Did you have Aha’s or revelations watching the video & reading the answers she wrote? Add your comments below. Please – no critiques – just share what you learned from someone courageously sharing a project that’s the BEGINNING of a lifelong learning journey.

Check out the beginning of a lifelong #harp learning journey Share on X

Want to do some courageous learning yourself? Click here to check out Hip Harp Academy where daring harpists get their creative wings.

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