Step into a tiny new creative world and let it open your mind.

What would it be like to share your own creativity without worrying about if what you shared was ‘good enough’?  Without wondering if you got as many ‘likes’ as someone else – but with the full confidence that the people who most needed what you’re sharing would see it? With the confidence that they would see the possibilities it opens for them, and that what YOU shared would open up those new possibilities for someone who is desperate for the inspiration to get unstuck, themselves.

At the end of each Quarter in Hip Harp Academy members can apply what they learned to a creative project as a way to get coaching, build their repertoire and take a really active part in their own learning.

We call them “Final-Beginning” projects because each one encapsulates a few months of learning and exploration – and opens the door to the next adventure.

We’re always sharing the process of creative development inside the virtual Academy walls, and we’re sharing and getting feedback on work nearly every week — but Academy Members also know that sharing our vision and our process can help others who are searching for a way to be more creative and expressive in their lives.  So at the end of each quarter I ask members to share their projects, and to let us into what it took to create those projects.

Below is a list of projects from the quarter that just ended, and I invite you into the creative process of watching them.  Here’s how:

Ask yourself “What possibilities does this open in my own creative journey?”

When you step into each of these tiny 3-minute worlds, I invite you to open your own creative mind the way we do in the Academy. Step away from the world of social media, competition and comparison where ‘sharing’ is about getting ‘likes’ and considering “how does this rate” and instead, start asking “what possibilities does this open in my own creative journey”? 

The creative process starts with how we VIEW the world, with how we EXPERIENCE it … and we can choose to experience its creative possibilities or simply compare.

In the Academy, that’s how we learn to view any project, vision or question the others share – not by thinking ‘do I agree or disagree’, not ‘do I like or not like,’ not ‘is this good or bad’ … but what possibilities does this open …?

I invite you into a little slice of the Academy by opening this question over and over as you watch these videos and read the small interviews that follow about the process of creating them. And then join us – if you play the harp – to open ALL the possibilities in your own creative journey in Hip Harp Academy.

Harpists who Dare!

Are you ready to liberate yourself from the notes on the page?

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[Updated by DHC 231019]

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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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