“This is a video from an artistic photo/video shoot on Vancouver Island as my Rainbow Harp Faery character.” ~ Eily Aurora

Eily Aurora embodies her colorful Rainbow Harp Faery character, complete with costume and wings. The faery emerges from a tree to improvised harp music.


Eily is one of the daring harpists who are challenging themselves to develop new ways of self-expression in Hip Harp Academy by combining the skills and tools of improv with each person’s natural abilities and passions – creating new hybrids of expression that expand what it means to be a harp player.

Harpists who Dare!

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[Updated by DHC 231019]

If you love the PROCESS of learning, like I do – make sure you read on.  Whenever a member of the Academy shares a project, I ask them to share their process as well, because that PROCESS creates a gift of illumination for all of us about how we can approach any creative project ourselves.



“There is a story and reason for the harp faery being in the tree. She asked for a harp and the River Elf created it and left it at the Hollow Tree. The queen of the faeries placed a flower crown there for her, too. When the harp faery discovered the harp and crown, this is the first song she plays to celebrate her new harp!  “

The harp playing is totally improvised in the moment of being the faery emerging from a tree! Share on X

1. Describe your final project.

This is a video from an artistic photo/video shoot on Vancouver Island as my Rainbow Harp Faery character. I recently completely reworked my costume, makeup and made my faery wings. The harp playing is totally improvised in the moment of being the faery emerging from a tree! 

2. What principles from this course or from chats did you use to develop, perform, and record this project – and how did they play a part in your process?

Allowing the music to be an expression of my emotional self as I moved from the tree. Smiling, closing my eyes and looking up were new. Learning a lot from how others have been sharing their music.

The harp is my creative prosthetic!  

Using an introduction, melody, exploration and conclusion. 

Base, accompaniment, melody

The harp is my creative prosthetic! Share on X

3. Give a short description of what it took for you to be able to play what you did – both logistically and emotionally.

Emotionally it took big courage, coaching sessions to motivate me, and strength to walk into a very popular spot (cathedral grove on Van Island) to take my own photos and video of myself dressed like a faery. 

Logistically it took traveling to the location, two days of preparation with the wildflower crown, meeting a magical photographer in the forest to film me (not wide shot unfortunately), and buying a new remote clicker to start/stop video and to take photos at a distance. 

4. What freedoms and blocks within yourself did you connect with (or struggle with) in the process?

Why am I trying to be a faery? And since I am, it needs to look good. Looking the part is as important as playing the part in character. 

The money needed to build the right look. 

The block of practicing/writing and singing together while moving and dancing as the faery. A lot to juggle but so worth it

I didn't think my Harp Faery project was a valid submission until now. It is really a special joy to share this adventure knowing it is welcome here. Thank you DHC! Share on X

5. What challenges did you meet while connecting with your own freedom of expression in this project?

Spending so much time on character/costume prep that I didn’t practice my harp much to build a structure of melody, or, more importantly practice singing with my harp and costume. Its a lot at once! 

This project taught me that I can be the faery anytime I put my small harp on. I don’t need to wait for an art shoot. And how helpful it would be to have a coach help bring the faery and her music more to life. 

6. What other parts of your life were impacted by what you learned in this class, and how?

What I learned in this class is creative freedom. And the community support for our unique creative expressions. I didn’t think my Harp Faery project was a valid submission until now. It is really a special joy to share this adventure knowing it is welcome here. Thank you DHC!

7. What were your personal “Ahas”?

I love, really love being a faery. 

The importance of a support person to feel safe in character 

This video showed me that the 5 part arrangement structure is in my body memory now! YAHOO! 

8. Is there anything else you want people to know when they watch your video?

There is a story and reason for the harp faery being in the tree. She asked for a harp and the River Elf created it and left it at the Hollow Tree. The queen of the faeries placed a flower crown there for her, too. When the harp faery discovered the harp and crown, this is the first song she plays to celebrate her new harp! 



Hey, thanks for reading this example of what it’s like to go thru a course with me! Did you have Aha’s or revelations watching the video & reading the answers she wrote? Add your comments below. Please – no critiques – just share what you learned from someone courageously sharing a project that’s the BEGINNING of a lifelong learning journey.

Check out the beginning of a lifelong #harp learning journey Share on X

Want to do some courageous learning yourself? Click here to check out Hip Harp Academy where daring harpists get their creative wings.

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