Hi – I’m Deborah Henson-Conant composer, performer, electric harp player – and creator and founder of Hip Harp Academy – where I teach harp players around the world the art of improvisation and self-expression.  There are many individual classes harp players can take at the Academy, but there’s also a YEARLONG FULL MEMBERSHIP. So people ask me,  “What do I actually GET when I sign up for a full yearlong membership at Hip Harp Academy?”

Well, let me tell you!

When you have Full Academy Membership, it isn’t just pre-recorded video classes – athough those are great. The real power of membership is what you get WITH those classes – which includes:

  • The opportunity to work with world-class artist who knows your instrument  and can show you ways to express yourself with that instrument, that it would take decades to discover on your own
  • Access to ALL classes during the time of your membership, including any new ones I create
  • Weekly live online “chats” to answer your questions and show you how to do the things you’re asking about including how to simplify things, or how to expand and embellish them, or creative ways to apply what you’re learning – so you’re constantly expanding your personal creative expression and your repertoire
  • Personal feedback from me – often a personalized video or a live online coaching – when you submit a class project
  • A private Facebook group where you can ask questions and get answers, sometimes almost immediately
  • Access to the GUIDED versions of each class, so you have accountability and you’re learning together with an impassioned community

When you’re a member of the Academy you can choose whether you want take classes at your own pace – or join whatever guided course is currently in session – like “Hip Harp Toolkit” in the fall, “Strings of Passion” in the winter, and “Hands on Harmony” has virtual ‘retreats’ throughout the year. Almost all the classes in the Academy are ‘guided’ at one point during the year, so that students can go through them together, with focused warmups, weekly assignments, projects and feedback all focused on the same class at the same time.

Do you have to do it ALL? Almost nobody does ALL the classes each year. Usually students choose only 2 or 3 classes to focus on each year — and we’ve priced the Academy so that you save money by having a yearly membership even if you just take 2 major classes a year.  And some people just love being in the Academy for the weekly chats – that’s worth it to them – the opportunity for expert, personalized, creative, inspiring guidance – and the ability to ask questions about how to put the skills you have – and the skills you’re learning in the Academy — towards YOUR creative dreams.

That’s the important part: YOUR creative dreams.

The classes themselves give you the tools, the skills, the knowhow and the resources – but the interaction of the Academy and the guidance of a creative expert in your instrument is what empowers you to bring all of that ALIVE in your music and to truly express yourSELF.

And that is why I built the Academy – to provide support for your creative expression —  so that YOU can be the musician and artist you truly are. Because that matters: you matter, as a creative voice. You have something to say that only you can express. I want to help you unleash that, and give it wings. Because the world needs what you have to give.

So if you play the harp, I hope that you will join me in Hip Harp Academy.


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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

Woohoo! You'r Registered for the 2022 "5-Day Harp Improv" Challenge!