The International Harp Festival returns to the San Damiano Retreat Center in the beautiful San Fransisco area hillside town of Danville, CA, May 25 – 29, 2017 and I’ve been invited to present my Full-Day Immersion Experience “Strings of Passion LIVE!” Find out more about the festival HERE

What if …

What if you discovered there was an instrument inside you that resonates to your spirit the same way your instrument resonates outside you?

What if this inner instrument had strings like a harp and they resonated in your inner world – plucked by your creative expression in the outer world?

What if these two sets of strings resonated each other, so that, when you plucked the strings of one, the other resonated as well?


Passion can be gentle and quiet – or bold and dramatic. It can be like showing off, like revealing your inner Diva – or like holding something sacred and secret. It can be a whisper or a shout of joy.

Passion can be like revealing your inner Diva – or like holding something sacred and secret. Share on X

Passion is connecting with your deepest artistic impulses – whatever they are – and expressing them with body, mind and soul. It means letting your passion resonate through your instrument – your physical instrument that other people experience – and the strings of your inner instrument – your strings of passion.

In this full-day, hands on “Strings of Passion” workshop on May 29, 2017 (Memorial Day), you’ll learn to engage the 7 Strings of Passion that take you from creative impulse to creative expression – with activities that release your own creative impulses and show you how to harness them into your own unique creative expression. Your playing will become richer, your ability to connect to your instrument and your audience will expand and you’ll experience your own creative resonance expand each time you connect your inner and outer strings.


Sign up for the full 4-day festival May 25-28 plus “Strings of Passion” on May 29 and you’ll get to take part in ALL workshops and concerts from top Lever- and Pedal-Harp luminaries PLUS all concerts (including mine on Sun. May 28th!) –  OR sign up separately for the concert or full-day ‘Strings of Passion” workshop retreat.

What are the 7 Strings of Passion?

  • IMPULSE (String 1): You’ll reconnect with your first, your deepest, your secret creative impulses
  • STRUCTURE (String 2): You’ll discover simple, beautiful musical structures that create a thread for your creativity to crystalize on.
  • CHARACTER (String 3): You’ll reveal the hidden richness of your own character to yourself and bring that character to your instrument
  • ROLES (String 4): You will discover the power of roles to create freedom in your playing and in your own understanding. You’ll discover the the subtle power of the followship role that balances leadership, the 3 roles of musical collaboration and how to use archetypes as roles to unlock your own creative expression
  • PRACTICE (String 5): You’ll learn why ‘you have to be bad to be good,’ and how to balance between practicing towards a specific goal and developing a personal creative practice that connects your inner and outer instruments and supports all you do
  • DECONSTRUCTION (String 6): You’ll discover the power of breaking music down to its basics so you can connect more deeply and express more spontaneously
  • LIFT-OFF (String 7): You’ll experience the moment of lift-off or fluency when you let go of the constructs and shoulds and rules of what you think self-expression should be and truly express yourSELF – the inner instrument that resonates in your own strings of passion.

If you do nothing else for yourself this year – discover YOUR strings of passion – the ones that resonate within you – and let them ring through your life and your instrument.


If you do nothing else this year discover YOUR strings of passion, that resonate within YOU Share on X

“I love the idea of being physically involved in the music instead of the constraint that is taught in classical music.” (J.H.)

“I love the idea that experimenting with a simple practice and letting go of what it sounds like – it helps to develop fluidity with the fingers, traversing “mistakes”, and bring forth some amazing surprising results Note to self: open yourself to DISCOVERY” (P.D.)

“I love the simplicity! Yet it’s very powerful and heartfelt” (S. W.)

Strings of Passion is a physical and philosophical adventure into YOUR creative expression and a chance to learn the power of creativity from of one of the world’s most innovative harp luminaries, Deborah Henson-Conant, a Grammy-Nominated composer, performer and international concert artist, the originator of CAMAC’s “DHC” harp, composer of the “Baroque Flamenco” concerto and the founder and creator of Hip Harp Academy and the “Harness your Muse” creative mentorship program.


The 7 #StringsOfPassion - Impulse, Structure, Character, Roles, Practice, Deconstruction, LIFT-OFF. Share on X



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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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