My new creative expression program “Strings of Passion,” officially goes on sale just after Christmas (but if you’re on the “First to Know” list, you get a  pre-launch special invite – with extra goodies – so sign up right now if you’re not already on it!).

“Strings of Passion” is a 10-week online training in the 7 core principles of creative fluency and artistic resonance – and these are the concepts and practices I’ve developed over decades to guide and inform my own creative work.

Now I’m sharing them in a brand new 10-week program.

Last week I presented a “Strings of Passion” Intro webinar to share some of the concepts and a few days later I got an email from a student who was there, with a surprising attachment.

a few days later I got an email with a surprising attachment Share on X

If you’ve done any kind of coaching with me, you know I’m always asking “What are your takeaways? How can you put this into play in your own life right now?”

This is something I’m always asking myself, my students and I would ask it in social situations if I thought I wouldn’t be punched in the nose. It’s one of the things I’m always interested in knowing.  But what Tess sent me in her email was so far above and beyond that it took my breath away.

It was an excel spreadsheet with all her favorite quotes from the webinar, quotes like the one above.

it was so far above and beyond that it took my breath away Share on X

I was so struck by this list that I asked Lissa Sandler, from to help me share the quotes, and the image above is one of 7 different images Lissa created, one for each string.

These 7 principles start from the moment of creative impulse and help us maintain the connection to that impulse throughout  journey from a creative impulse to the moment of lift-off when it transforms into creative expression.  That journey can be almost immediate, like in jazz – or can take decades.

In the 10-Week program, “Strings of Passion,” I share each string with you, along with practices to help you play with them and practice them – both in everyday life and in your our creative work, and the maiden-voyage of this program is specifically for harp players.

Sharing these concepts with harp players creates a very literal metaphor because the 7 strings, the 7 core principles, correspond to the 7 strings in each octave of a harp.  As I’ve developed “Strings of Passion” over the past few years, I discovered that this outside harp corresponds to an inner instrument we each have inside us — an instrument that resonates to our creative expression – and that in turn enhances it.

Join me for “Strings of Passion.”  If you’re not already on the First to Know list, join now to make sure you hear about the pre-launch bundle I’ll be offering a few days before Christmas.

Click the image below.



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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

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from  Deborah Henson-Conant


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