I’d heard about her for years, but I’d never seen first-hand ’til I got to France:  The Bubble Harpist

bubble-harp-shelleyfrost-ancenis-2 bubble-harp-shelleyfrost-ancenis-1

Yup!  It’s a harpist – Shelley Frost from Dubai – in a bubble. In a nightclub. Playing with a DJ.

And I stayed up ’til 3AM to see it.

And it was worth it.

I'd never seen first-hand 'til I got to France: The Bubble Harpist Share on X

I can’t tell you much more about it except that, yes, there is air in the bubble (in fact the bubble is inflated with air); she gets in and out via a tiny velcroed slit (you can see it in the lower right side of the bubble – and in the bubble shadow) — and she was wearing an excellent outfit all made of straps, feathers and lots of her own skin (yes, she looked fabulous and no I will not be getting one myself).

I can tell you that Shelley is a brilliant creative entrepreneur who created “The Fridge” cultural agency in Dubai where she develops, manages and promotes over 3,000 performances annually as one of the top talent management agencies in the Middle East.

And it all started with one big bubble …

What’s YOUR creative bubble?

Shelley told me the bubble started as just an idea, an image, an idea of something that would focus all eyes on her playing – something whimsical and wonderful she’d never seen before except in her imagination.

And it worked.  The Bubble began to represent the unique way she shares her creativity and promotes her business.

What’s in YOUR creative bubble?  Can you already see inside it? How would you go about creating it, producing it, sharing it with the world?

That’s what we do in my Harness Your Muse yearlong creative mentorship.  Whether your creative bubble is still cloudy or crystal clear and ready to be formed, you can bring it to life.  Apply now for Harness Your Muse – the application questions themselves are all about helping make that bubble clearer.  The program is about blowing life into it and bringing it into the world.

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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

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from  Deborah Henson-Conant


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