Virtual Retreat – Beta Tests

Now Available instantly via Replay!


What is it?  It’s an all-day learning retreat that you get spend in the comfort of your very own home! (OR take at your own pace via replays. Or … both!)

It’s FUN! And it’s all about Harmony. It’s for all levels of adult players on pedal & lever harp.

How can all levels do it at once??  We start by learning basic principles and patterns – then each person puts them into play (literally!) at their own level  playing the Hands-on-Harmony Progressions.

This is a BLAST! I thought I knew this but you make it more user-friendly. Share on X

What People Said about Beta Retreat #1

“This is a BLAST! I thought I knew this but you make it more user-friendly.” Carolyn Deal

“I have been asking people how to noodle for years, but this is the first time anyone broke it down to a place to start” Joyce Kraut

Wow – this is fun!  Using the slap bass, just got a whole new groove going! A new song idea was just born!” Kate Kunkel

“How cool is this?? You can play while the teacher is talking! You can practice the progressions with a whole bunch of other people and nobody can hear you — and you aren’t distracted by  anybody else!”  Joni Morris

“Love how the harp shifts into the key, patterns remain the same, you don’t have to think about altering fingering!” Sally Walstrum

separator-wordpress-blog-blue-gradient-700x103 Live Virtual Beta Test Retreats

They’re now all recorded!  Three live learning retreats that you can now take at your own pace by watching the replays – and when you sign up you have instant access to them.

They happened this spring:

#1: Sun. Apr. 19 (10 AM – 6pm EDT)
#2: Sat. May 2 (10 AM – 6pm EDT) 
#3: Sun. May 31 (10 am – 6pm EDT)

#3: Sun. May 31 (10 am – 6pm EDT)

>> REGISTER NOW to attend via REPLAY<<

This registers you “Hands on Harmony – Beta Replays” – where you’ll be able to access replays from the Beta Sessions of “Hands on Harmony” which you can watch at your own pace. You’ll be able to download audio files and PDF example files from all sessions and you’ll have a minimum of 3 months access to all the video replays.

This course is still being developed, so you’ll also have access to any additional exercises or videos that are added to this classroom as well as the Facebook group for the course.

We’re still in Beta so we’re still editing the videos and finessing the way they’re presented.  Some are more finessed than others so you get to see them in development!

Each Beta Test was a 1-Day Course with 3-Sessions (A. Morning, B. Early-Afternoon & C. Late-Afternoon). A, B & C sessions each cover different material and they build on each other – so you should watch them in sequence.  The main subjects covered are:

  • How to build and extend chords (to play 7ths and 9ths)
  • Learning the ‘Families’  of chords (like the Family of C Major) and what chords are native to that tuning
  • The basics of noodling, voicing and reading basic chord symbols
  • How to Alter chords – like, how to get a G7(b9) or a Bm7(b5)
  • The basics of Chord substitution
  • How to Navigate the Minor Scale(s)
  • The basics of Modulation
  • And we do a LOT of playing so that you get it immediately into your hands

Got Questions?  Email me direct via my “Ask a Question” form.

Wow - this is fun! Using the slap bass, just got a whole new groove going! Share on X

Why Being on the Beta-Team
is So Very Cool

Right now I’m still developing this course, so when you sign up you become part of the Beta Team.  Here’s why that’s so cool:

  • When you’re part of the Beta Team your comments and suggestions become part of the course forever!  Yes, YOU affect the future history of the course! Woohooo!!
  • Registering for Beta gets you immediate access to  the replays of Beta-Tests #1, #2 & #3  so that means you’ll get to see ALL the material, even the parts that may eventually be cut out of the class.
  • You have access to the classroom for minimum 3 months* PLUS Beta team members are automatically registered into the “official” course, if it’s different from the Beta Classroom — in other words, if I close down the Beta classroom and open an “official” Hands-on-Harmony class sometime in the next 3 months, you’ll be automatically registered into that classroom. (*you’ll probably have access longer, but it’s good to complete the class in 3 months or less)
I have been asking people how to noodle for years, but this is the first time anyone broke it down to a place to start Share on X

Here’s a RunDown of each Retreat:

And remember – this is a Beta Test so content and schedule specifics may change – but we’ll start at 10AM EDT and end no later than 6pm EDT

    • MORNING SESSION:  10AM – 12PM EDT  – Introduction to Harmonic Families & progressions
    • EARLY AFTERNOON:  1PM – 3PM EDT  – A Longer Progression … and a trip to the mysterious relative minor
    • LATE AFTERNOON:  3:30 – 5:30 PM EDT – We’ll put the harmony we learned into context in an actual piece of music – and if there’s time, I’ll show you how to psyche out a jazz chart by sleuthing out all the modulations (so bring your detective hat!)

I want you to really GET all this into your hands so each session includes:  A training segment, downloadable PDF handout, implementation time (time to try it out and play!), and Q&A Sessions.

It’s best to come for all three sessions on any one day, since one each builds on the previous.  Each retreat covers the same material – so you can come to any or all of them — and you’ll also get access to replay videos. Some people prefer just watching the replays, because they can skip around or repeat sections — but if you like asking questions, make sure you get to a live retreat.

separator-wordpress-blog-blue-gradient-700x10Why are there are 3 Different Dates??

This course is in development, so after each Beta Test I’ll spend time revising the retreat and then do it all over again.  As a Beta-test you get access to any of the tests … or ALL of them!

PLUS … your questions, comments and input will help shape the course itself

How cool is this?? You can play while the teacher is talking! Share on X

>> REGISTER NOW to attend via REPLAY<<

Love how the harp shifts into the key ... and you don't have to think about altering fingering! Share on X

Will You Learn EVERYTHING about Harmony?

Absolutely …. not.  This course will likely end up becoming “Hands on Harmony 101” — but exactly where it fits in my harmony curriculum will depend in part on your questions and comments so you really do end up having an important role in the final curriculum when you are part of the Beta Team.  It’s also really fun to get to see your input change the course!

p.s. If you’re wondering if each 3-part Beta test will be the same …the answer is ‘No.’ They will cover SIMILAR material, but I’ll be tweaking the content in between each retreat.  As it turns out … Beta 2 was my favorite … but they all had cool aspects to them and Beta 3 got deep into some areas that Beta 2 didn’t.  Eventually we’ll coordinate it all into one – but for now, you get access to ALL THREE of them.

Why is that cool?  Many people say that they learn more when they get to learn the same thing in slightly different ways – and right now you absolutely get to do that!






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"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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