This post is from a series that shares the “Final BEGINNING Projects” from my winter 2015 “Blues HarpStyle” online course for harp players. Read an overview of the whole project here where you can link to the others in the series. In these projects, students created short videos based on what they learned in the course, and answered 5 questions about what they got from the challenge of this project.

WONG-Siwei-exportSIWEI SAYS:

1. Give a short description of what it took for you to get to the place of being able to play what you did – both logistically and emotionally.

It took some exploring, and then some deciding. Deciding meaning I had to write my ideas (in lead sheet form with lyrics and chords) and order them on a word document to commit to the form when I would perform in the video. That allowed to me differentiate what different techniques I would use for each verse/chorus, and got me thinking about how contrast them more strongly. I’ve still got more exploring and practice to do though!

2. What freedoms and blocks in yourself did you connect with (or struggle with) in the process?

Familiar ones – I’m getting used to the camera but initially I still struggle to let go and relax more when filming myself. Thus I am little stiff in the video. Having said this I find that the music builds up of its own accord as I play longer – which kind of helps with telling the story if the energy itself increases.

3. What challenges did you meet to connect with your own freedom of expression in this project?

I admit I didn’t think my levers through properly for the beginning and this made me stutter a bit. Relaxing (as above) is always a challenge for me in front of camera. I was tempted to rush in tempo also when the music got more intense, so I had to keep reminding myself to hold back a little and not rush into the groove, to let it fill the space in its own time.

Also perhaps struggled at points between choruses/verses, at leaving the appropriate space/doing something to connect them/build up the song appropriately.

4.What were your personal “Aha’s”?

Probably all of the above! I feel I have not explored a lot. I was happy to find that even though I’d pre-decided the basic comping techniques for the verses I found the music leading me to try new things on top of that.

I found the music leading me to try new things Share on X

5. Is there anything else you’d like to tell people who are watching your video?

Thanks to everyone it has been awesome to develop with you in the course and see the breadth of creativity across this group of  harp-player-individuals. Everyone is so different and I find that really inspiring when I am watching all your videos.

Also seeing others’ questions is so great too as it makes me notice things I would’ve never otherwise had thought about DHC’s concepts.

Thanks so much Deborah you are a great teacher. You are so committed, considerate and heaps of fun to learn with! I believe you also say all the right things about music, and I am glad that you are spreading these concepts and reminding us again and again that its not about being perfect but about letting go, asking questions, developing and having fun.

Its not about being perfect but about letting go, asking questions, developing and having fun Share on X

Additionally I have never had such a good resource to develop improvisation on harp until now. Thank you DHC



Hey, thanks for reading this example of what it’s like to go thru a course with me! Did you have A-ha’s or revelations watching the video & reading the answers she wrote? Add your comments below. Please – no critiques – just share what you learned from someone courageously sharing a project that’s the BEGINNING of a lifelong learning journey.

Check out the beginning of a lifelong #harp learning journey Share on X

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