Top Ten Reasons to Watch "Invention & Alchemy" on PBS
Top Ten Reasons to Watch "Invention & Alchemy" on PBS
Deborah Henson-Conant • Grand Rapids Symphony • David Lockington, conductor
Reason #1

It's energizing, it's a breath of fresh air, IT'S INSPIRING and it just might get you to pick up that long dusty instrument and start jamming again, fill you with the desire to paint a mural or invigorate you to get a head start on Spring cleaning -- whatever it is in your life that you have let fall by the wayside and want to inject life into once more!

Reason #2

It's one-of-a-kind, not just in the uniqueness of Deborah's harp-playing, but in the way she transforms the symphony orchestra into something new, exciting, REIGNITED!

Reason #3

You can say "YES!" to PBS and Deborah at the same time by pledging during the broadcasts of "Invention & Alchemy" and showing your support for Public Television and independent artistry.

Reason #4

Bummed that your next vacation seems so far away? Let Deborah take you on a trip through Celtic landscapes, to a polka party with the Garbageman and in a time machine! "Invention & Alchemy" is a journey through the mind of Deborah Henson-Conant, where the scenery is always changing!

Reason #5

This isn't just a static concert program. "Invention & Alchemy" is a fun, sometimes rambunctious, sometimes lulling, always interesting, multi-camera extravaganza. It's not just a show. It's an event.

Reason #6

Had a bad day? A bad week? Heck, a bad decade? "Invention & Alchemy" celebrates each individual soul and makes us stop to say, "Congratulations, You've Made It This Far."

Reason #7

It's like watching a live your own living room! The dynamic camera work and Deborah's on-stage integration with the Grand Rapids Symphony takes you closer than the front row for a night of symphonic music theatre that you won't soon forget.

Reason #8

Is your life feeling...well...less than stimulating? Deborah takes you out of the ordinary and into the EXTRAordinary! It might just show you how FANTASTIC your own life is after all.

Reason #9

People are talking - and they LOVE what they see! Head to the "Invention & Alchemy" review page to read glowing reviews from press and fans alike.

Reason #10

It's Deborah. It's an 80-piece orchestra. It's PBS. Need we say more?


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