Dumb is Deep

Dumb is Deep

Back in the 90’s I was touring Germany with an all-German band (except for me). My German was elementary, and I couldn’t understand 99% of what my band members said. Wait – let me clarify.  I was touring with an all-Bavarian band. For those who’ve never...

The World of Imperfect Completion

Welcome to the most uncomfortable world in my personal universe: the world of imperfect completion. It’s nothing like the world where I feel safest:  on stage, performing live, incorporating anything unexpected  into the performance itself,  bouncing off...
Time is a Garden

Time is a Garden

Yesterday – walking through Alexandria, VA on my off-day from the Steve Vai “Story of Light” tour –  I noticed a telephone pole. Someone had built a wall of small grey stones around it about six inches high and about 12 inches away from the pole, and in...
How to Enjoy a Steve Vai Show

How to Enjoy a Steve Vai Show

How to Enjoy a Steve Vai Show … if you’re not a rock music fan (with special notes for classical musicians, science-engineer-types … and girls) [Part of the “Rock Harp Diaries” blog series] I’m on tour with legendary rock guitar virtuoso Steve Vai –...
A Hug from the Maestro

A Hug from the Maestro

Rock Harp Diaries (On Tour with Steve Vai’s “Story of Light” tour) Wed. Aug. 8, 2012 In Day 2 of the final week of rehearsals with Steve Vai for his upcoming “Story of Light” tour my goals for the day were:   GOAL #1:  To convince Steve to let me play “The Animal” on...
Day 1 – Rehearsals

Day 1 – Rehearsals

Rock Harp Diaries (On Tour with Steve Vai’s “Story of Light” tour) Tue. Aug. 7. 2012 Day 1 – Rehearsals It’s the first day of final rehearsals for Steve Vai’s “Story of Light” tour.  Our first set of rehearsals was last June, and since then I’ve been at home...
The Shape of Music

The Shape of Music

I just started teaching my first online course and found  myself writing to a student to explain what I meant, in our first module, by the ‘shape’ of the music.  Here’s what I wrote her (with a few changes): I often think of what would a deaf person...

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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