What do CATS watch on video?

What do CATS watch on video?

Yeah, sure, we all like funny cat videos … but what do CATS watch on video?  Apparently …. ME!  So I learned at during my weekly “DHC-TV” Livestream show. At my last show I was greeting the audience, reading their screen names, when I came...
So, what do I actually DO?

So, what do I actually DO?

People seem to have a hard time wrapping their mind around what I actually do. My new artist liaison, Jeila, can totally relate. Before she started working for me she couldn’t figure me out, either.  So, I asked her to look through my bios and choose the...
The LAST Sale (and Signings!)

The LAST Sale (and Signings!)

For years my lovely assistant, Beatriz, has come to the office every week where she’s filled CD orders literally out of the office kitchen in the old house where our office lives … … and when people asked me to sign CDs or sheet music, here’s...


This is part of my “Rock Harp Diaries” Blog series while touring with legendary guitarist Steve Vai from August 2012 – Dec. 17.  I’ll be home Dec. 18th – please join me for my Homecoming Solstice Show in the Boston Area on Fri. Dec. 21st!...
Helsinki: Build Whispering Pancakes

Helsinki: Build Whispering Pancakes

I’m sitting on the pavement in an empty courtyard where the tour-busses are parked. I’m outside the bus because I can’t think inside with all the conversations. “The Circus” is the name of the club where we played tonight in Helsinki, Oct. 23rd, 2012. I’m...

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

Woohoo! You'r Registered for the 2022 "5-Day Harp Improv" Challenge!