Piano Reduction!

Piano Reduction!

No, it’s not the Steinway Diet Plan, or a toy piano. A “Piano Reduction” is a ‘reduction’ of a symphonic piece of music into a part that’s playable on piano. It takes all the music from the whole orchestra and reduces it onto two...

Leading from the Harp

You see it in the back – waaaaay in the back of the orchestra – but when have you seen a harpist leading an orchestra? Not just out of the background – but WAY in the front? I saw it first in my mind. Nearly two decades ago.  It was so real –...

Hell’s Angel Harp? In a Pasadena Garden?

(Guest post by Allison Volk – I’m frequently asking my boyfriend if he wants to attend this or that performance. Don’t get me wrong, Colin loves live performance, too, but when I asked him whether he wanted to go to a Deborah Henson-Conant harp concert, his...
DHC’s Blog Post Overview

DHC’s Blog Post Overview

I use my blog for a lot of different projects.  Some are series, some are creative challenges, some are upcoming events and projects and some are just random thoughts.  Here are some of the series and repeating posts: 1. Singing Ezine Series In these weekly video...

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

Woohoo! You'r Registered for the 2022 "5-Day Harp Improv" Challenge!