Can Do versus Are Doing

What you CAN do and what you ARE doing are completely different worlds. To the outside world, whatever you ARE doing is what you CAN do, and anything they don’t see you doing, you CAN’T do. That’s why presentation and promotion are so important. ...
Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!

Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me!

My favorite radio show is “Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me.” I save the episodes and listen to them when I’m packing, one of my least favorite jobs of being a touring musician. To my mind, you’ve really made when you’re on the “Not My Job” segment. Wait, wait … I should...
Each Day is a Soufflé

Each Day is a Soufflé

I admit: have never made a soufflé. I am not a good cook. I am founder and curator of The Burnt Food Museum ( But I understand that cooking is a metaphor for life. Each day is like a recipe and the order in which you do things can...
Helsinki: Build Whispering Pancakes

Helsinki: Build Whispering Pancakes

I’m sitting on the pavement in an empty courtyard where the tour-busses are parked. I’m outside the bus because I can’t think inside with all the conversations. “The Circus” is the name of the club where we played tonight in Helsinki, Oct. 23rd, 2012. I’m...
Traipsing to Tampere

Traipsing to Tampere

We’re leaving Helsinki and traveling to Tampere, an hour or so away – but still in Finland –  for our first show.  As I checked out of the hotel, I learned my luggage has just arrived at the airport, but there’s no time to get it, today, so I won’t see it...
From Home to Helsinki

From Home to Helsinki

Sat. Oct. 20 and Sun. Oct. 21, 2012 Five days at home was glorious but brief.  This is what it looked like in the evening, honest: My greatest achievement during the break, aside from repacking and submitting my absentee ballot for the Nov. 6 election, was a date with...
Home is …

Home is …

I’ve been on tour with a rock band for the last two months, watching the legendary Steve Vai every night from my spot (behind him and eight feet to his left) – and sharing the stage with four other stellar musicians: Philip Bynoe -bass, Dave Weiner – guitar, ...
Midnight Tweets from the Second-Screen

Midnight Tweets from the Second-Screen

Guest-blog by Beatriz Harley I knew it would be a late night, but I was ready! I’d been waiting for weeks – Legendary rock guitarist Steve Vai would be performing at L.A.’s Club Nokia Oct. 12th and it was airing LIVE across the country on AXS-TV – a cable network that...

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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