The World of Imperfect Completion

Welcome to the most uncomfortable world in my personal universe: the world of imperfect completion. It’s nothing like the world where I feel safest:  on stage, performing live, incorporating anything unexpected  into the performance itself,  bouncing off...

Tiny Building Blocks

When I’m putting together a show, like the “Lose Your Blues” show coming up this Saturday in the Boston area, part of what’s important to me is the sequence of the tunes – how the flow of the show goes. That’s especially important...
Sous-Chef Sketch #3

Sous-Chef Sketch #3

Last week I made my and I loved all the comments I got on that blog.  Thank you, beloved readers!!! I’d posted two versions: one singing as me (but quieter than me) and one singing as Marilyn Monroe.   So … drumroll … here’s this week’s...
In Good Company

In Good Company

On March 3rd, harpist Elise Hemke will step on stage with the Grand Junction Symphony and play a harp concerto in a concert called “American Portrait.” The concert features four American composers. Three are some of my greatest heroes, composers I’ve...
Soñando Today

Soñando Today

Today I’m working on Soñando en Español – my 3-movement concerto for harp and orchestra.  I’m meeting with Elise Hemke, the harpist who’ll play it, via Skype tonight.  She’s the first harpist besides me to ever play it and there’s a problem: I...

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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