The Wrong Harp

First Rehearsal with Christina Pluhar and L’Arpeggiata at the festival Ruhrtrienalle in Duisburg, Germany — and I’m kicking myself with more feet than I have. It’s all about this harp. We needed a simple acoustic lever harp for one piece. It...
“Gurl’s Guide to Amplification”

“Gurl’s Guide to Amplification”

Go Forth & Amplify! After months of editing, I finally finished the 2nd Edition of the “Gurl’s Guide to Amplification.” Yippeee!!! If you’re wondering what a “Gurl” is, it’s is that part of your brain that sticks fingers...

On Being Two Nice English Girls

I don’t like deception, but I love being someone different than who I am. The problem is that it’s hard to tell the difference between that and deception, except on stage, where the boundary is clear and so the freedom to experiment is much greater.  But it took me...

Poetic Translation

When I was in school – college – about the time I started playing the harp, I had an English class in which we studied poetry, including translation.  The teacher described the difference between a literal translation of a poem and a poetic translation:  a...
Strings of Passion

Strings of Passion

I’m working on a new project – or, I should say that I’m working newly on an ongoing project – called “Strings of Passion.” “Strings of Passion” is a concert of music, ideas and humor, and the Sept. 25th performance at Boston...

One Cow

Pouring soymilk on my cereal this morning, I slid down a wormhole back to my grandparent’s farm. The wormhole went like this: Soymilk container with fields of green soybean plants depicted on the front –> I like cows, but I suspect that manure (quick...
Sweet Ginger Surprise

Sweet Ginger Surprise

Up at the Barn last weekend my show was sold out early and there was a waiting list of nearly 50 people by noon on the day of the show.  The Barn (Celebration Barn) is kind of in the middle of nowhere – unless you’re there, in which case it’s the...

Better late

I used to be one of the most punctual people I knew. I remember, at 17 or 18, sitting on the curb, waiting for the others to show up for some event we were about to go to — and realizing this would be my lot in life: showing up early or on time and waiting.  So...

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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