Melting Rabbit

I was going to say that I’m torn between an idea and a feeling, but it’s really an idea and a state of mind.  And it’s not so much an idea as a … well, I don’t know what it is. The state of mind is “hot and tired” and the idea is: “can I make the audio quality in my...


My teaching partner, Karen Montanaro,  a solo performer who does with dance-and-mime what I do with music-and-theater, sent me this email today: “I got the most amazing group of letters-from-students (fifth graders) the other day.  One kid wrote: ‘You also taught us...
Planning for Spontaneity

Planning for Spontaneity

I’m preparing for an interview with radio host Jacky Ankeles tomorrow morning to talk about my upcoming show at the Shalin Liu in Rockport, MA this Saturday, April 21st.  Jacky sent a few questions for me to think about, I  started writing out answers —...
Nixon or the Kildeer??

Nixon or the Kildeer??

Somewhere recently I heard that, depending on when you grew up, and who was president, you’ll have a different outlook on life.  In the U.S. for example, they said, if you came of a certain age (which I forgot) during the Kennedy administration, you’ll be...
Intro to InfoGraphics

Intro to InfoGraphics

This morning I attended Bob Collins’ Social Media Breakfast (SMB) at the Constant Contact headquarters in Waltham, MA, a 20-minute drive from my house.  But … wait … let me translate: “This AM @RobertColins #SMB26 at @ConstantContact...

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

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