Mar 9, 2020 | 2020, Chat Replays, Pending, SOP, SOP-2020
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Mar 2, 2020 | 2020, Chat Replays, Pending, SOP, SOP-2020
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Feb 24, 2020 | 2020, Chat Replays, Pending, SOP, SOP-2020
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Feb 17, 2020 | 2020, Chat Replays, Pending, SOP, SOP-2020
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Feb 10, 2020 | 2020, Chat Replays, Pending, SOP, SOP-2020
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Jan 28, 2020 | 2020, Chat Replays, Pending, SOP, SOP-2020
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Jan 27, 2020 | 2020, Chat Replays, Pending, SOP, SOP-2020
Status Note To see the most recent update refresh your screen. CURRENT STATUS: The Chat Replay is READY!!! (Clarise 1/28/20 – 2:00 PM) THE CHAT REPLAY IS READY!!! – We’ve loaded the video and audio onto this page. You should have received a notification via...
Dec 24, 2019 | 2019, Chat Replays, HHT-AYS, Pending
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Dec 17, 2019 | 2019, Chat Replays, HHT-AYS, Pending
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...
Dec 6, 2019 | 2019, Chat Replays, HHT-AYS, Pending
Please Refresh Your Screen Each Time you Come to this Page This is a 'dynamic page' - that means the content may be changing. You need to refresh because, when your browser loads pages, it just shows you the last version 'it' saw - so unless you refresh your screen...