“The Half-Bake” is a 90-second video that shows the ‘idea’ of what you want your Final-Beginning project to be so that DHC can coach you on how to create the “Final-Beginning” project.
“The Half-Bake” is a 90-second video that shows the ‘idea’ of what you want your Final-Beginning project to be so that DHC can coach you on how to create the “Final-Beginning” project.
The week’s homework was to make a short video using the principles taught in the class.
The “Inside Jazz Tunes” Homework was to make a short video using the principles taught in the class.
The “Blues Harp Style” homework was to use the Module 2 Playalong videos to record and submit 60-90 second video.
The “Inside Jazz Tunes” homework was to use the ii-V-I, improvise with or without rhythm to the keys of C to F to Amin to C.
The “Blues Harp Style” homework was to make a short video of the Blues.
This week’s homework was to choose a chart and play the first chorus of improv.
This week’s homework was to record yourself playing with the playalong video.
This week’s homework was to create an entire Jazz arrangement at your level of playing ability.
The Module 3 Homework for “Inside Jazz Tunes” to work on any or all of the techniques in videos – at your own speed.
The Module 2 Homework for “Inside Jazz Tunes” was to color-code the “Leaves” roadmap to clearly see the sequence of chords and to submit a short video of playing the roadmap.
The Final Beginning Project for “Baroque Flamenco Beyond the Page” was to use the principles from the class to create something and share it. Let go of everything that still isn’t working for you in the piece, literally delete it from your version and focus on what truly works for you.