Can I get a refund?

Back to FAQ Page Your Hip Harp Academy membership is billed on a monthly, or annual basis. We operate a strict no-refund policy. No refunds for partial months or annual membership, including upgrading / downgrading of membership will be given. Join the community, take...

Do you offer payment plans?

Back to FAQ Page Yes, we now offer payment plans. They are slightly more than the cost of paying for your Hip Harp Academy access outright and you are required to make 12 consecutive payments before being allowed to cancel your...

What if I’m a technophobe?

Back to FAQ Page One of the things technophobes (like I was!) love about this course is that they become so more web-and-tech savvy just by taking the course. I have a short tutorial on the How to Upload a Video to YouTube page in the sidebar to help you learn to...

Do I have to do the homework?

Back to FAQ Page I encourage everyone to do the homework – but you can think of it as “applied play.”  Each homework assignment guides you step by step through the program.  To share your homework, you’ll make a 90-second or shorter video.  If...

What if I am not tech savvy?

Back to FAQ Page Even people who consider themselves completely non-tech-savvy are able to access and enjoy the course. Some people even say that one of the big benefits of the course is getting more comfortable with online tech formats! Each week the course...

How long is Hip Harp Academy?

Back to FAQ Page You are signing up for a 12 month commitment when you sign up with Hip Harp Academy. During that time Hip Harp Academy will offer you courses, and much more depending on the level that you purchased. You have the option to stay in the academy after...