Ooops! If you’re seeing this then our system thinks you need to upgrade to access this page.

Sometimes that’s true … but sometimes we’ve just set your ‘access tags’ wrong.

If you do want to upgrade, just scroll down to find out how. 

If you think there’s been an error, we’d love your help fixing it!  To do that, use the ‘Ask a Question’ form to get us a message. When filling out that form, please explain as clearly as you can what got you to this page.  It’s most helpful when you include:

  1. The LINK (the URL) of the page you were on – so we can fix the link that sent you here.
  2. The name or URL of the page you were trying to get to – so we can see if that link has been set wrong.

If we don’t know that, we may not be able to fix it — so that’s the most useful info to give us.  Thank you!

If you’d like to Upgrade, here’s how:

1. Are you completely new to my training materials?

Visit the FREEBIES page to get access to DHC’s freebies!

2. Are you already in the ‘FREE’ level?

Do you want to upgrade your access to ALL the classes in the Full Curriculum? Here’s how:

3. Have you already signed up for a single class?

Do you now want to upgrade to FULL Curriculum access?

When you want to upgrade to FULL Academy Access from a single class, you can often apply all or part of what you paid for that class to your membership – depending on when you signed up for that class.

For example, when you upgrade within the first month you can  apply the total value of the class you paid for  directly to your FULL access membership (what a great deal, right?).  For certain classes, that upgrade discount can be applied up to 3 months – for other classes you can get partial credit (it depends on the size and length of the class and how long ago you purchased it).

It’s always worth asking whether you’re eligible for an upgrade, because the situation can be fluid. For example, during May 2020 in the covid-19 pandemic we offered an extension on upgrades to those purchasing classes as much as 18 months previous.

The upgrade system isn’t automated – we create and send each code separately, so  the best and fastest way to get this upgrade is to use the “Ask-a-Question” form to let us know you want to upgrade – and we’ll get back to you ASAP.

4. Do you want to Apply for “Harness Your Muse”?

“Harness Your Muse” requires an application process.  Learn more about the program and connect to the application here.

5. Got other questions about access or upgrading?

Just use the Ask-a-Question” form to get any questions directly to me or someone on my team.

You can also use the “Ask-a-Question” form if you got to this page unexpectedly when clicking on a course you used to be able to access. That could be because something went wrong or because your subscription expired. If you’re not sure, ask us and we’ll check.

6. Do you just Want to Get Back to Your Dashboard?

Here’s a link that should get you back to your dashboard (but if it doesn’t, you ‘should’ also be able to use your ‘back’) button or the “Home (Dashboard)” link in the header for this page.



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