Vision Music Suite

Start with Harps Tuned in C

[HTL-56-200107]  – HARP TIME LIVE #56 – Thu. Jan. 7, 2020

 In which we go through all the motifs in the “Vision Music” project (from the 5-Day “Vision-to-Action” Challenge) and play them one after another, as a suite.

Please add your own insights, revelations, and takeaways below in the comments, even if someone else already said the same thing!  Just say it in your own way or say it again the way they did.

  • To start the replay, just look for the little arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the videos.
  • To watch in full-screen look in the lower RH corner of the video for the ‘four expanding arrows’ icon.
  • Note that you can speed up or slow down the video with the speed controls.
The Chat Feed (click to open)


16:39:23          From DHC : Https://

16:39:38          From Anne Horton : Still seems to be some live static “white noise” in the background

16:39:40          From Cherrie Mooney : When will the videos disappear? we

16:39:52          From Melinda flutes harp : It works

16:40:27          From Stefanie Bieber : The Challenge is the best thing I ever joined in for free, absolutely tremendously inspiring, deeply founded in wisdom and psychologically profound, unpayable!

16:40:51          From Tammy Halun : you need to increase volume on mic

16:40:51          From Stefanie Bieber : OK!

16:40:52          From Sally : Sound volume is low

16:40:57          From Anne Horton : Your sound is not right yet – your voice has gone distnat

16:40:58          From Maria Wilson : It sounds like Deborah is speaking through a tunnel

16:41:01          From Stefanie Bieber : I can hear you now, sound is bad

16:41:17          From Lyn Thompson : can you increase sound level….just went quieter.

16:41:19          From Anne Horton : Better for a moment then off again

16:41:32          From Tammy Halun : try plubb

16:41:35          From Maria Wilson : The mic is too far from your face maybe?

16:41:37          From Anne Horton : Still distant

16:41:39          From Tammy Halun : plugging in again

16:41:45          From Melinda flutes harp : better a bit

16:41:49          From Anne Horton : Slightly better

16:41:53          From Maria Wilson : good

16:41:53          From Anne Horton : Getting better

16:42:04          From Anne Horton : Yep – nice and clear now

16:42:18          From Tammy Halun : harp a little too loud

16:42:19          From Maria Wilson : good

16:42:22          From Anne Horton : very clear – harp is a fair bit louder than your voice

16:42:40          From Anne Horton : Still same

16:42:46          From Maria Wilson : same

16:42:55          From Anne Horton : Good enough but harp is much louder than your voice … thats better

16:43:13          From Maria Wilson : same

16:43:16          From Anne Horton : I think it makes some differnece

16:43:33          From Melinda flutes harp : I can hear you fine.  and the harp

16:43:37          From Anne Horton : better

16:43:37          From Ayanna : The sound is good now

16:43:39          From Stacie Link : I can hear fine

16:43:44          From WernersS : good

16:44:02          From Maria Wilson : better

16:44:58          From Maria Wilson : good

17:04:24          From Margi Miller : And I thought IT COULD NEVER BE DONE!!!!

17:04:54          From debra Sawyer : transitory

17:05:13          From Tammy Halun :              I love the build up between the motifs                                                        

17:05:18          From Joke Verdoold : This was so much fun, Only how am I going to fember this

17:05:26          From Joke Verdoold : remember

17:05:38          From Anne Horton : Transitioning was easier than I anticipated – because we didn’t have to modulate keys

17:05:39          From Stacie Link : maybe not a takeaway but going from blues to celtic was interesting, had to think 6/8 to get out of blues

17:05:40          From Tammy Halun : I Love the last motif

17:05:48          From cherie Mafey : Made more sense putting them together.  I’ve had trouble getting it!

17:06:00          From debra Sawyer : it means transiting from one to another with the overtones giving ground

17:06:01          From Alice McGarvie : love the first one sounds like pink floyd 🙂

17:06:13          From Midge : so fun discovering beautiful new sounds,connections

17:06:35          From Deborah Fleisher : it’s a way to flush out a whole tune.  I find I have beginnings of tunes but they don’t go anywhere.  it’s a whole new way of composing

17:07:13          From Tammy Halun : Ill have to print more sheets off

17:07:26          From Tara Pride : I didn’t feel like I was ready for the transitions, but it’s fine.  I’m used to feeling behind.

17:07:30          From Margi Miller : To try to remember, I named the first one Bali Hi  (from South Pacific)  It sounds like it.

17:08:06          From Anne Horton : Tara .. there’s no such thing as “behind”

17:08:19          From Anne Horton : (Apparently)

17:08:25          From Stacie Link : the last motif is a great intro

17:08:46          From Melinda flutes harp : Happily making mistakes and going off on tangents.

17:14:06          From Deborah Fleisher : thanks, must leave

17:18:28          From Cheryl : Thank you ~ leaving for the day  🙂

17:21:17          From R Bailey’s iPhone : thanks… reminds me of a classic Celtic tune

17:21:35          From R Bailey’s iPhone : y’all have a great day!

17:22:18          From margiebekoff : Thanks so much – have to go but will continue to work on this lovely set of improvisations!

17:30:57          From Margi Miller : Can hardly wati for#5.

17:31:04          From DHC : Https://

17:31:21          From Lyn Thompson :                          Thank you…  this is so lovely.

17:31:26          From debra Sawyer : I love it . Its a wonderful jam of transitory motifs. % is a great ending of it all.

17:31:31          From Alice McGarvie : accomplishment putting all the challenges together, thanks for upping the challenge! love no five 💕

17:31:38          From Tara Pride : So many different flavors in a compact time.  It’s one of those huge appetizer plates.

17:31:49          From Cherrie Mooney : When do the challenge videos disappear? How long do we have to finish?

17:31:50          From Joke Verdoold : So great! I’ll just have to put the bare bones of the fragments together and then rest goes for itself.

17:31:53          From Alicia Dawes-Salazar : Great journey indeed…so varied and open and free. I added an Ab for number 5 which took me somewhere else

17:32:14          From Lynne Lapidus : WOW!

17:32:25          From iPhonemona seering : felt good! can’t figure out the challenge won’t let me in re registered and wants me to become a member but I am. so just doing regular classes and Thursday

17:32:30          From Susanne Reimoser : Thanks … such a nice voyage, with so many differnt moods and feelings. in the beginning questions and to the end a peaceful feeling of being home.

17:32:38          From Vera Stern : feels like a rainbow of sounds

17:32:46          From Camilla : That was amazing.

17:32:55          From Margi Miller : Can you share how you came up with these motifs?

17:33:25          From Melinda : Thank you so much DHC!  This feels like a bunch of story starters…love this!

17:33:27          From Ayanna : Getting comfortable with switching character…loving the transitions!.

17:33:28          From Sarah : A new experience, that you can play so many flavors with smal motifs in one key.

17:33:41          From Sarah : loved it, thanks

17:34:34          From Alicia Dawes-Salazar : Thank you so much, that was great. Definitely worth getting out of bed for.

17:34:42          From Tara Pride : Must go….Thank you!

17:34:52          From debra Sawyer : Thank you Deborah. A wonderful exploratory experience.

17:35:33          From Stefanie Bieber : I just have recruited another participant for the challenge :o)

17:35:43          From Tammy Halun : Where does the 5 day challenge show on the dashboard on HHA

17:36:27          From Tammy Halun : Never mind I just found it

17:37:56          From Tammy Halun : I love how you share your methodology

17:38:33          From debra Sawyer : the Celtic its  from the mode shifting warmups

17:39:51          From debra Sawyer : you are doing it

17:40:30          From debra Sawyer : lovely!!!

17:40:38          From DHC :

17:40:51          From Vera Stern : with the Q&A this completes my great Bday! thank you all sooo much! and hurrah for DHC

17:40:53          From Nancy C : Thank you, DHC! Perfect for this moment.

17:41:15          From Hýldi’s iPad Pro : Happy Birthday, Vera!!!!!!!

17:41:22          From janeilmola : happy birthday Vera!

17:41:24          From Melinda : Happy Birthday, Vera!

Share your takeaways and 'aha's' below.

What are the principles and concepts in this session? If you had to remember what you learned, or someone said, "Quick! I have to do an improv! What did you learn in this 'Harp Time Live!' session that I can use??" - What would you tell them?