The Golden Cage Musical Premiere
with Deborah Henson-Conant

Pre & Post Show Chat Replay

The Golden Cage Musical Premiere Pre & Post Shows with DHC
Here is the replays of the Pre-Show and Post-Show from The Golden Cage Musical Premiere on Streaming Musicals Apr 27, 2023
“The Golden Cage” is a musical – by Deborah Henson-Conant – about being stuck,  reeeeally stuck, like in your own invisible I-literally-can’t-get-out cage. Sound familiar? It’s also about being so hungry to achieve a dream that you can’t see that you’re trapping yourself!  It’s a musical for multigenerational audiences, a parable about the isolation we create for ourselves – and how freedom only comes when we allow others to reach in to us. It’s about discovering that, together, we can escape the trap of isolation – and finally rediscover the wings of freedom we were born with.



Pre-show Thu. Apr 27, 2023


To start the replay, just look for the little arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the embedded video above. To watch full-screen click on the 4-arrow icon in the lower right corner. To speed up or slow down the video, click on the gear icon in the lower right corner.  Please add your own insights, revelations and takeaways below in the comments, even if someone else already said the same thing!  Just say it in your own way or say it again the way they did.
Chat Pre-Show - (4:30 pm ET Chat)

18:35:05 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Hello there
18:35:50 From Ruth Mc Donnell to Everyone:
Greetings from Ireland ☘️almost midnight here…
18:35:59 From Alfredo Rolando Ortiz to Everyone:
Hello everybody
18:36:01 From DIANE DEIPARINE to Everyone:
Hi everyone!
18:36:18 From Tammy Halun to DHC – Private(Direct Message):
Do you want to record as well
18:36:58 From Phil Gouin to Everyone:
Greetings from Little Rhody!
18:37:24 From Rhenzell Geronimo-Claros to Everyone:
If you haven’t yet, register now for FREE to join the Streaming Premiere at 7 PM ET: ~Rhen from DHC Team
18:37:42 From DIANE DEIPARINE to Everyone:
Reacted to “If you haven’t yet, …” with ❤️
18:38:50 From Tammy Halun to DHC – Private(Direct Message):
Static gone
18:39:56 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Your excitement is like a seven course meal.
18:42:09 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Did you select the characters of Althea and Boris?
18:42:36 From Tammy Halun to Melinda Ostrander-Aviles(Direct Message):
Did you mean to have Melinda’s name on you?
18:43:10 From Anne Horton to Tammy Halun(Direct Message):
18:43:18 From Tammy Halun to Anne Horton(Direct Message):
18:43:18 From Joy Zahner to Everyone:
What was the most challenging stage getting to this incredible final production?
18:44:02 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Lol probably falling off the cliff. That was illusional
18:45:15 From Opera Addict – he/him/his to Everyone:
Were there any composers or shows of the past which influenced your creation?
18:48:13 From Alfredo Rolando Ortiz to Everyone:
Did you find times when you asked the orchestrator to change something you felt was not the right emotion you wanted to express through the music as it was orchestrated?
18:52:00 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
This for us to look for
18:53:16 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
I thought the technician behind the glass was interesting
18:53:43 From DHC – Private to Everyone:
1. REGISTER for Q&A Parties before and after the show:
2. DONATE to the project here:
3. LEARN more about “The Golden Cage” here:
4. RENT or PURCHASE at ( ) Use the code GOLDEN25 to get a 25% discount through May 15th
– VIDEO Review:
– WRITTEN Review:
6. GOT QUESTIONS? Use the “Ask a Question” form ( ) – we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can
18:53:44 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
How long is the show? (How many minutes?)
18:54:27 From Phil Gouin to Everyone:
I always know where to go 😉
18:54:32 From DIANE DEIPARINE to Everyone:
18:54:38 From Rhenzell Geronimo-Claros to Everyone:
Watch the Live Premiere on YOUTUBE at
18:54:53 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
How do we come back to this room
18:55:08 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
We could just click on the link in this chat
18:55:26 From DIANE DEIPARINE to Everyone:
Replying to “How do we come back …”

link is in the YouTube description
18:56:16 From Rhenzell Geronimo-Claros to Everyone:
Secret Golden Cage Theater Page:
18:56:39 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
Good questions Connie – how do we get back to this discussion after the show?
18:56:55 From Rhenzell Geronimo-Claros to Everyone:
Here’s the zoom link to the Post-Show Q&A:
18:57:11 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
Can I just leave this zoom chat open?
18:57:56 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
I got it

Pre-Show Chat Transcript - (4:30 pm ET Chat)

[DHC – Private] 18:34:15
For this show goes on the air. Oh, and I also what I was, gonna do.

[DHC – Private] 18:34:21
I promised myself that I am going to actually. Oh, I was gonna go live on Facebook.

[DHC – Private] 18:34:28
Let me stop recording for a minute and see. We set that up last night.

[Tammy Halun] 18:34:32
You need to be host. Then. Okay, yeah, just a second. You’ll have to make me co-host again.

[DHC – Private] 18:34:33
Oh, good! Can you make me host?

[DHC – Private] 18:34:38
Okay. Okay. Alright. We did have a dress for her. So everybody.

[Tammy Halun] 18:34:41

[DHC – Private] 18:34:44
But now we’re learning all the other stuff. Okay, you’re gonna make me host.

[Tammy Halun] 18:34:49
Yeah, your host now. So if you can make me co-host, and then I can record too.

[DHC – Private] 18:34:52
Okay? And did everybody else become UN?

[Tammy Halun] 18:34:54
I, yeah, Diane Ronzal and Tala.

[DHC – Private] 18:34:58
Are still hosts. Oh, okay. Great, alright. Great. Okay. Good.

[Tammy Halun] 18:34:59

[DHC – Private] 18:35:06
So I am going, live on Facebook. I thought I said this up last night.

[DHC – Private] 18:35:11
I hope. Okay, we’re doing everything we can to let people know that we’re here.

[DHC – Private] 18:35:17
And so, okay, great. Okay. And I want to get my list of things and get your questions together.

[DHC – Private] 18:35:26
Everybody, because I am ready to answer anything that you wanna ask.

[DHC – Private] 18:35:32
Let’s see.

[DHC – Private] 18:35:35
Okay. Oh, now, it’s broadcasting twice on Facebook.

[DHC – Private] 18:35:41
Okay. Okay.

[DHC – Private] 18:35:52
Alright! Here we go, sharing!

[DHC – Private] 18:35:57
Now I know why. Now I know what I was supposed to get here earlier.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:03

[DHC – Private] 18:36:06
Okay, so hopefully, it says that we’re live beautiful. Okay?

[DHC – Private] 18:36:10
Well, to the pre-party for the golden cage.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:14
So many of you that are here in this zoom room have actually been a really important part of this show for me in many, many, many, many different ways.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:23
Some of you have known me for many years since I started just creating this thing.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:27
Susan software was part of the year-long program that I took to be able to build a team.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:34
So that I had the personal strength to be able to actually have a team so that I could do something like this.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:41
So many of you are, are my heart friends, and do I want to record as well?

[DHC – Private] 18:36:45
Yes. Are you recording Tammy? If you can. That would be great.

[Tammy Halun] 18:36:49
Yes, I am.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:49
So what I wanted. Okay, thank you. And so what I wanted to do as these worlds come together is, I wanted to tell you just a little bit about this show.

[DHC – Private] 18:36:58
I want to show you a little bit of behind the scenes.

[DHC – Private] 18:37:00
I want to let you know what you’re going to be looking at, and and how it fits together with my life as a heart player, because some of you know me as a heart player.

[DHC – Private] 18:37:06
Some of you know me as a composer. Some of you just know me as a friend, and so the golden cage I started writing it when I was 19 it came to me as a question.

[DHC – Private] 18:37:15
I was. I had left high school, I had gone to Northern California.

[DHC – Private] 18:37:18
I was not necessarily living the life that I wanted to live, which was that I wanted to be writing musical theater, and I was sitting at the piano one day when I had this question about my life like is my life going to be about security or about?

[DHC – Private] 18:37:30
Freedom and boom literally 2 kids immediately jumped out of my head A and B, and they were singing to each other, and in locked in mortal combat, and they were singing to each other and in locked in mortal combat, and they were singing about this golden cage one was on the inside one was on the outside.

[DHC – Private] 18:37:47
and this story immediately was something that I wanted to tell, and it immediately started having music you’ll actually hear the real version of this song, which was the first song that happen.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:00
I started hearing them singing, Here I am in your golden cage.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:06
Now here I am in my golden cage, growing thin, growing pale.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:10
There you are! Along the outside. Oh, yes, okay, thank you.

[Tammy Halun] 18:38:13
Can you turn your original sound on?

[DHC – Private] 18:38:16
Maybe I can. Maybe I can’t. Okay, original sound on. Okay. So how’s this?

[DHC – Private] 18:38:25
The best.

[Tammy Halun] 18:38:25
It’s better to be a little bit of background noise, but but we can hear it.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:27
Okay, okay, perfect. So let’s not worry. About it. Here’s what’s gonna happen.

[Tammy Halun] 18:38:32

[DHC – Private] 18:38:32
You guys are gonna get to see the real thing. What you’re gonna see is 2 characters singing.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:37
Here I am in the golden cage, growing thin, growing pale.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:41
There you are on the outside looking in, and then the other one says, Here I am at your palace gate, in a state of despair.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:49
There you are on the inside, looking out, and then each of them sang together.

[DHC – Private] 18:38:54
There on the inside, outside, where you stand, all that glitters in your hand.

[DHC – Private] 18:39:01
That was the foundation of this story. 2 characters on either side of the cage, the one on the inside is trapped inside, the one on the outside is trapped outside, because each of them wants to be where the other one is, and they experience the cage in completely different ways, and for each of them it is completely

[DHC – Private] 18:39:26
absolutely real. So that is the beginning of how this, how this show happened.

[DHC – Private] 18:39:33
And then I didn’t know how to write this. I’m about to have a Tedx talk come out that explains all of this, so I don’t know how much I want to explain to you, but just to say that it’s been a life long story.

[DHC – Private] 18:39:43
That I’ve been wanting to tell, and it really took a lifetime to tell it, even though I started writing the music immediately.

[DHC – Private] 18:39:51
It’s I had to live every part of this story, and when you see it you might think like, how did she live? Being bird person?

[DHC – Private] 18:40:00

[DHC – Private] 18:40:02
One of the things that happened to me is that I started playing the harp, and if you will look over my right shoulder right now, you will see what might appear to be a wing, and, in fact, the heart has turned out to be.

[DHC – Private] 18:40:17
What, what has allowed me to have the feeling of flying in this world, even though I was stuck in a lot of places in my life, including not being able to tell this story.

[DHC – Private] 18:40:29
This heart has given me the feeling of flying, and that has allowed me to tell the story.

[DHC – Private] 18:40:34
So before I I’m going to kind of take you backstage and show you a couple pictures.

[DHC – Private] 18:40:40
But before I do, are there any questions that anybody has? And I know some of you actually saw this show in New York when we did it live. Connie says your excitement is like a 7 course meal.

[DHC – Private] 18:40:51
I can’t even tell you how excited I am for this moment.

[DHC – Private] 18:40:56
I mean literally my whole life. I have wanted to tell this story and about 8 years ago I think I found a way to sit down on a piano and play it a thirteen-minute version of the story, and that was really interesting, because people would talk I began to realize that the themes in

[DHC – Private] 18:41:15
the story are very powerful. And not just things that that I’m dealing with, and I heard I would share this.

[DHC – Private] 18:41:23
I would share the show with people, and they would be like, oh, that’s like depression, and they were like, Oh, that’s like workaholism.

[DHC – Private] 18:41:28
Oh, that’s like being an addict. Oh, that’s like this!

[DHC – Private] 18:41:31
So there were like with any allegory. People found themselves in the story, and for years I’ve mostly found myself in Althia, the one that’s stuck in the cage.

[DHC – Private] 18:41:45
I really identified with her, but more and more lately I’m realizing just how much I am like Boris and part of that’s happening because we’re doing this fundraising campaign for the finishing costs.

[DHC – Private] 18:41:59
And one of the things we created as a Perk is this journal with 12 prompts of Althia’s life, and 12 prompts of Boris’s life.

[DHC – Private] 18:42:07
And I says, I start looking at Boris’s experiences.

[DHC – Private] 18:42:12
I begin to realize just how deeply I have sorry I’ve had the same experiences in my life.

[DHC – Private] 18:42:18
I just didn’t know how to talk about them. And this show has given me the opportunity to be able to talk about them.

[DHC – Private] 18:42:25
And, in fact, this show comes into my therapy sessions a lot, and I’m able to say, Well, I know I’m Alfia doing this.

[DHC – Private] 18:42:33
And now I’m Boris doing this, and then my therapist is beginning to understand and, Mary, she’s almost done with the journal.

[DHC – Private] 18:42:40
So the Connie said, you did you select the characters of Llfia? And, by the way, it’s Alf, it is Alphia, because it was A and B.

[DHC – Private] 18:42:49
Then then those characters became Alpha and Beta, and then they became Alfia and Boris, and from the very beginning I knew that they were 2 halves of me.

[DHC – Private] 18:43:04
And and I knew from the very beginning that as a show, I wanted to create it in such a way that it could be any gender, any age, any race, any race, any body type, because it’s not about a specific kind of person.

[DHC – Private] 18:43:19
It’s not about a specific kind of person. It is about specific experiences that we all have of getting trapped, and and even of looking and creating our traps ourselves.

[DHC – Private] 18:43:31
You guys are coming up with questions.

[DHC – Private] 18:43:34
I love it. What was the most challenging stage of getting this incredible point?

[DHC – Private] 18:43:38
Oh, boy! Oh, every stage was challenging, but there was a point at which I really gave up, I mean and this has been such an important story to me all my life, and I was at a heart festival, and this man walked up to me, man!

[DHC – Private] 18:44:01
Named Larry Larry Grogan, and I had not met him before, and he said he knew me as a harpist, and he said, Well, you must be really proud of you know what you’ve done with your life, and I was like Yeah, and he said like, are you happy, and I was like no, no, I’m

[DHC – Private] 18:44:16
not happy. And then I told him the story of the golden cage, and this was probably about maybe 10 years ago.

[DHC – Private] 18:44:20
It actually was at the Somerset Harp festival which I’m going to be at later on this year.

[DHC – Private] 18:44:26
Anyway. So no, I’m not happy. And he said, Well, would you be happy if the golden cage was on stage in New York City, winning awards?

[DHC – Private] 18:44:34
And I said, No, I would be happy if I was working on it 30 min a day, because I couldn’t even get myself to work on it.

[DHC – Private] 18:44:43
And so he said, Okay, I’m gonna hold you that.

[DHC – Private] 18:44:45
And he said, You send me those 30 min by the end of every day in a text until you get this done.

[DHC – Private] 18:44:51
And so I started doing that every day 30 min I’d send him a picture of what I did.

[DHC – Private] 18:44:55
And one day I got a really late start, and I got this text at 1159.

[DHC – Private] 18:45:02
And it said, If you do not send me your 30 min, you know, in the next half hour you will burn in hell. And and I laughed.

[DHC – Private] 18:45:11
I remember laughing really hard at that, but I also was really moved because I realized I had never had Ed that he had more commitment to my dream than I had, and that would such a powerful.

[DHC – Private] 18:45:27
Experience, and a whole new theme in the play emerged.

[DHC – Private] 18:45:34
That you will see. And it was a really important theme.

[DHC – Private] 18:45:36
This theme had not been in it until he came into the picture, and the and that theme is the theme of being pushed of each of the characters.

[DHC – Private] 18:45:45
Turning to the other, and saying, Push me, you know. Push me, Boris, you know, begging each other to push them, and so that was one of the most challenging times for me.

[DHC – Private] 18:45:59
Was the times in between like when I would finish a reading, and then I would get questions that I didn’t know how to answer.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:08
That was always challenging, because I’d be like, Okay, it’s done.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:12
And then I’d be like oh, it’s not done, and those are also the times that I reached out to other people.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:19
For example, to Tim, Maurice, and you won’t see him on stage, but you will hear his music.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:26
When we did the show it was done just with piano, with this amazing pianist named Nevada Lozano.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:33
But what you will hear is fully orchestrated, and that’s what we did in the last year.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:38
Tim took every single scene, every single moment, and he created orchestration in it, and Tim was a really important part of my of my challenge as well, because there was another time when I couldn’t work on the show.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:52
And what I did is I hired Tim to come in.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:54
Every one’s day for 2 and a half hours, and to play whatever I had.

[DHC – Private] 18:46:59
I don’t really embarrassing sometimes because I had nothing from him to play like I’d be like, oh, play this!

[DHC – Private] 18:47:06
I don’t know what’s it says any, and it they’re talking.

[DHC – Private] 18:47:08
And I’m gonna sing over it. So having these partnerships really made such a huge difference.

[DHC – Private] 18:47:16
And and those challenging times were when I thought I’d kind of get.

[DHC – Private] 18:47:21
I thought I’d solve the story and then realize that I hadn’t solved it once again.

[DHC – Private] 18:47:27
Really great question any other questions I’m looking at the time.

[DHC – Private] 18:47:36
We’re also gonna come back here afterwards, and exactly the same room.

[DHC – Private] 18:47:42
We’ll come back, you know, when the show is over, to answer questions.

[DHC – Private] 18:47:46
So, abra addict. I can’t wait for you to see the show says, were there any complaints or shows of the past which influenced your creation?

[DHC – Private] 18:47:54
Yes, and when I look at this show I sometimes I would say that I was most influenced in this show by Claude, Wc.

[DHC – Private] 18:48:05
And the music man. And when you see the show you will see the these things don’t really, you don’t usually think of these together.

[DHC – Private] 18:48:14
But impressionistic music really lush, you know, and Rimsky Korsakoff so classical, you know, some classical composers like that.

[DHC – Private] 18:48:23
I was also really influenced by my mother, who was a.

[DHC – Private] 18:48:27
Was a grumpy, melodramatic diva, just like Alfia.

[DHC – Private] 18:48:32
So when you see Alpha, you will be seeing my experience of my mother in many ways, but I would say that these composers so the composers yeah, I mean a lot of people point out that the score sounds like Sondheim or like I don’t think I mean I

[DHC – Private] 18:48:53
wasn’t listening to them, but I think I was listening to the same things.

[DHC – Private] 18:48:57
They were listening to. No, I don’t know that, but I, when I look, look, I listen to those influences I think Bernstein was also important to me.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:06
Gershwin comes in there a little bit as well. And these are great questions.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:13
Alfred’s. Says, Did you find times when you asked the orchestrator to change something?

[DHC – Private] 18:49:16
You felt was not right. The emotion you wanted to express through the music as, Yes, yeah.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:20
So it’s really interesting to work with Tim. I worked with Tim for like 6 years on this, and when it came time to do the orchestration he was pretty much on his own doing it.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:31
But there were oftentimes, and it the conversation all often went like this.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:37
No, that sounds like a flute is playing.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:41
I don’t want it to sound so fluty.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:44
It can be a flute, but I don’t want it to sound like a flute.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:48
So there was that, and then there was other things.

[DHC – Private] 18:49:52
When I would say, Can you make it scarier, or just a couple of times?

[DHC – Private] 18:49:58
There’s this beautiful moment in the middle of the show.

[DHC – Private] 18:50:01
Called the acapella det, where everything just falls away, and these 2 characters are with each other in like a moment of authenticity, and in the original show it was completely a caella.

[DHC – Private] 18:50:13
No instrument at all, but Tim was adding enhancement and that’s a place where we really like up until the very last minute we were still toeaking that like it was the very last thing that we that we did a couple other things that I want to tell you about because I want you

[DHC – Private] 18:50:30
to look for them, look for the audience, you know. Look for when the audience is there, because you can sometimes see them.

[DHC – Private] 18:50:38
Sometimes you can hear them, although it’s hard to hear them, because the actors had close mics.

[DHC – Private] 18:50:44
Look for the pianist, because the piano player, Nevada, was on stage.

[DHC – Private] 18:50:49
He was over stage left, which is on our right, and so you can see him sometimes.

[DHC – Private] 18:50:55
Another thing to look for is the feather. There is a feather that has a really important part in the show, in that it connects the 2 characters and when I wrote that part into the script I thought, I don’t know they’ll figure it out.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:08
I don’t know. Maybe it’ll be a cartoon or something.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:10
I don’t see how they do this, but they’ll figure it out.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:13
And it was. It was one of those things that up until it was like, how are we gonna do this?

[DHC – Private] 18:51:21
How’s that gonna happen? And then you’ll see the solution, which was really beautiful, which had to do with the the projectionists that came in.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:29
So the set is. And this all happened really fast. I mean, there were like 3 weeks of rehearsal.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:35
We had 13 h of tech, and then we just had to do the show, and then we had to film it.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:40
And then that was it. And it was the middle of Covid, and we were worried about getting Covid, and I think we were the only team in the whole festival that didn’t get Covid.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:51
And oh, no! I forgot what I was saying. Okay, well, remind me.

[DHC – Private] 18:51:56
And I just I wanna give you as many things as possible that are going to kind of help.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:02
You enjoy the show. This is for us. Oh, yeah, to look for. Yeah.

[Anne Horton] 18:52:05
You were talking about the feather.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:07
So, looking for the feather to see just when he drops, he kind of drops his feather, and you’ll see the feather move if you miss it.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:19
In this version. Hopefully, we’ll be able to keep this up for at least 24 h, depending on how things go we’re hoping to do that.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:28
And I think I just got a message. I just have to double check my messages.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:33
Taller. Are you messaging me? Is there a secret message for me?

[DHC – Private] 18:52:37
Oh, oh, okay. Alright! Okay. Cool. Alright. So. Yeah.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:42
So you want to look for the feather you wanna look for Nevada because it’s just cool to realize that this whole thing was being played.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:51
Live, sometimes you wanna look for the audience, and I’m trying to think of what else you might want to see.

[DHC – Private] 18:52:58
A lot of times when we’ve done screenings of this.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:02
What people usually say is, I can’t look for that stuff the first time.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:06
The first time. I’m just experiencing the story. And so that’s what I mostly want you to be able to experience is that story.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:15
And and then we’ll meet afterwards, and I would love to hear what you have to say.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:21
What your experience was. One of the things that we did was to create.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:30
A way for everybody to leave reviews because I would love to get reviews afterwards.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:35
I’m gonna put this big, long list of links here in the mess in the so you can just grab these links.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:42
Everybody in the meeting here. Those are all. How long is the show?

[DHC – Private] 18:53:48
So the show is about 80 min long and.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:55
And it’s gonna be fun. Because what’s gonna happen is we’re gonna we’re all gonna go to.

[DHC – Private] 18:53:59
You can go to Youtube to watch it. You can watch it from any, from the links that from you guys know where to go right I just wanna make sure you know exactly where to go.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:10
So someone from mit can you just put links in there that send people to the secret page?

[DHC – Private] 18:54:20
That’s for the best place, the secret page and Youtube.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:24
So when you’re watching on Youtube, you will be able to make comments and one of the cool things about a Premier is, you can make comments and see everybody else’s comments coming in at the same time.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:36
And so that’s if that’s just fun. So you’re gonna watch it.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:40
And then afterwards, we’re gonna come back to this room.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:43
So what else do you guys want to know before you before you start?

[DHC – Private] 18:54:45
What do you? What do you need?

[Tala Munsterman] 18:54:49
Tomorrow. We’ve got 5 min left. Just so, you know.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:51
Okay. Great. Alright. So you know what I’m gonna do.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:54
Now, I’m just gonna show you the page where we’re gonna watch it.

[DHC – Private] 18:54:57
So everybody knows where we’re going and what we’re doing.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:00
Oh! And there’s people I just realized we’re streaming this live.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:03
So anybody who’s seeing a stream stream this live go to Golden Cage. Musical Com.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:09
That’s golden cage yeah, anybody well, and there’s people.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:15
This is being streamed, as well as the people who are live here.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:17
It’s being streamed out to Facebook. So and I think that they have links. But I’m not sure.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:23
So I wanna I wanna just tell people where they can go to see the show I don’t want to show everybody.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:28
I always get nervous when I share my screen, because I’m always like, what am I going to be sharing here?

[DHC – Private] 18:55:33
Oh, I don’t not seem to be able to share my screen.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:38
How can I share my screen? Can you make me host or co-host?

[DHC – Private] 18:55:43
Oh, I am the host!

[DHC – Private] 18:55:49
Gee! I wonder why I can’t share the screen.

I think you can now.

[DHC – Private] 18:55:53
I don’t seem to have any any, any concerns.

[Tammy Halun] 18:55:59
I’ll share online. I can share.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:00
Oh, thank you. I I just that’s okay. I just got the controls.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:03
Now, thank you. Thank you, Tammy. I really appreciate it.

[Tammy Halun] 18:56:05
Okay, I can stop by

[DHC – Private] 18:56:11
Okay. Great. Alright. So this is what’s gonna happen.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:15
This is the golden Cage page. And right here you can see it’s going to start in 3 min and 42 s.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:22
This theoretically, is going to disappear, and we’ll be able to see the show right there.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:28
If something happens and you can’t see it, then you click here to watch it on Youtube.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:34
Some of you are gonna be watching on a different page because you got a different link.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:39
So I’m gonna take you to that page, and that is but it’s called the Secret page.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:49
Let’s see, I can get there. It’s just a little bit different.

[DHC – Private] 18:56:56
Okay, so this is the secret page. And it’s gonna show up here.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:02
The show is gonna show up here. Theoretically. Okay.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:04
Good. And if something happens and you can’t see it, you can click on Youtube you’ll be able to get back to the end. Show. Q.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:12
And a right here to donate to the show, and many of you already have, and I am eternally grateful to every one of you who has.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:20
It’s been amazing. But if you here’s where you can support the show down here, there’s more links, and then there’s just a trailer down here.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:28
So I think, unless there are any other burning questions, I just wanted to show you all those things before we got started.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:39
I always know where to go. But okay, so if you get lost hopefully, you and how do we come back to this room?

[DHC – Private] 18:57:45
So, Connie, hopefully, you you Rsvp. For the show, and I sent you a well, let’s just give you them the link.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:54
We’ll just give you the link so that you can come back.

[Tammy Halun] 18:57:57
I think, really.

[DHC – Private] 18:57:59
Okay. Great.

[DHC – Private] 18:58:02
And you know what you can also do. So okay, you got it.

[DHC – Private] 18:58:05
That’s great! I don’t know if you guys know this, but up in the upper left-hand side of your screen there’s a little green shield, and if you click that shield you can often grab the link.

[DHC – Private] 18:58:17
You can grab and copy the link to the room that you’re in so we’re gonna close down this room in a second, and we’re gonna be in our command post room.

[DHC – Private] 18:58:25
So you won’t be able to get into this room during the show.

[DHC – Private] 18:58:28
But you’ll be able to get into it again afterwards, and I.

[Tala Munsterman] 18:58:31
It’s 68, so I think it’d be a great time for them to start moving over to the where wherever you’d like to.

[DHC – Private] 18:58:35
Perfect. Okay, great, alright, great. So, so let’s make sure.

[DHC – Private] 18:58:40
Everybody has those links again to Youtube. Okay, bye, everybody.

[Phil Gouin] 18:58:43
Hiya bye!

[DHC – Private] 18:58:45
We’ll see you afterwards. See you soon. Thank you so much.

Post-Show Thu. Apr 27, 2023


To start the replay, just look for the little arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the embedded video above. To watch full-screen click on the 4-arrow icon in the lower right corner. To speed up or slow down the video, click on the gear icon in the lower right corner.  Please add your own insights, revelations and takeaways below in the comments, even if someone else already said the same thing!  Just say it in your own way or say it again the way they did.
Chat Post Show - (10 pm ET Chat)

20:19:58 From Philip Gouin to Everyone:
Are you crying Deborah?
20:20:03 From Tammy Halun to DHC – Private(Direct Message):
Could you add me as cohost
20:20:12 From Philip Gouin to Everyone:
You should have tears of joy
20:20:12 From Wendy Savage to Everyone:
Deborah that was incredible!!!! Bravo…..
20:20:22 From Tammy Halun to DHC – Private(Direct Message):
20:21:19 From Betsy Chapman to Everyone:
20:21:25 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
BRAVO!!!!! So excellent!!! 💜💜
20:21:26 From Cathy Curby to Everyone:
20:21:27 From Kimberly Woods to Everyone:
That never disappoints!!!
20:21:36 From Stacia Fernandez to Everyone:
Streaming Musicals team is so proud!
20:21:51 From Daniel Taylor to Everyone:
Bravo! Magnificent!
20:22:07 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
I can only imagine how this feels for you!!
20:22:26 From Robbin Gordon-Cartier to Everyone:
Soooo good!!!! Loved it in person and really enjoyed it here at home!!!
20:22:35 From Ginette Abbanat to Everyone:
Had no idea what to expect. Blew me away! Musically or course, but the symbolism and humor was superb!
20:22:42 From Sally Walstrum to Everyone:
20:22:49 From Tara O’Brien Pride to Everyone:
20:23:08 From June Rachelson-Ospa to Everyone:
20:23:16 From Fern Nelson to Everyone:
20:23:34 From Cathy Curby to Everyone:
Reacted to “Had no idea what to …” with 👍
20:23:43 From Tammy Halun to DHC – Private(Direct Message):
Make me cohost again
20:23:48 From Maureen Condon to Everyone:
20:23:51 From Gail McEwen to Everyone:
Magnifique! Thank you very much. Gail and Mary
20:24:03 From Ann Acevedo to Everyone:
The music was beautiful!
20:24:22 From Tammy Halun to DHC – Private(Direct Message):
Are you going to do Facebook streaming as well?
20:24:31 From Jilly Lowe to Everyone:
Congratulations brilliant, so many in depth things to take from this…loved it
20:24:44 From Rhenzell Geronimo-Claros to Everyone:
LEAVE A REVIEW here: Video Review: Written Review:
20:24:56 From Stacia Fernandez to Everyone:
Chris is HERE! Brilliant Boris!
20:24:59 From Ben Cohen to Everyone:
Wonderful!! Thank you!! 🥰🎵🕊
20:25:06 From Scott and Judith to Everyone:
We loved it!
20:25:12 From Nancy Cochran to Everyone:
Congratulations. Exquisite.
20:25:20 From Chris Isolano to Everyone:
20:25:27 From Andrew Isolano to Everyone:
Great show I love it! Great job to performers and also filming was great. Great work to all
20:25:33 From Melinda Ostrander-Aviles to Everyone:
Great show, great performers! What a lot of great work!
20:25:41 From Chris Isolano to Everyone:
Reacted to “Great show I love it…” with ❤️
20:25:41 From Cathy Curby to Everyone:
Reacted to “Great show I love it…” with 👍
20:25:50 From Chris Isolano to Everyone:
Reacted to “Chris is HERE! Brill…” with ❤️
20:25:54 From Rebekah Simon-Peter to Everyone:
So amazing!!!!
20:26:03 From Evelyn G to Everyone:
I don’t know why I ever doubted this concept would work. It’s so beautiful to watch and listen to! Wonderful actors!!!
20:26:10 From Tara O’Brien Pride to Everyone:
The performers did a spectacular job. They really made the imagery and emotional ups and downs come alive. I loved the duets, how they were singing in opposition yet with such beautiful harmony.
20:26:13 From Kimberly Woods to Everyone:
Chris—your performance was magical—I was also able to see it live and your talent and energy was palpable!!
20:26:34 From Stacia Fernandez to Everyone:
20:26:39 From Chris Isolano to Everyone:
Reacted to “Chris—your performan…” with ❤️
20:26:41 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
I seen it once, and saw so much more the second time.
20:26:50 From Chris Isolano to Everyone:
Reacted to “The performers did a…” with ❤️
20:26:53 From Tovelah Hirsch to Everyone:
Reacted to “💛” with 🥰
20:27:02 From Tammy Halun to DHC – Private(Direct Message):
Please add me back as co-host and did you want to do a Facebook live for this?
20:27:07 From Maureen Condon to Everyone:
20:27:11 From Tovelah Hirsch to Everyone:
Reacted to “Chris—your performan…” with 🥰
20:27:12 From Stacia Fernandez to Everyone:
You can see it all weekend! Love that.
20:27:16 From Michael Bromberg to Everyone:
Deborah, A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! Thank you!❤️
20:27:27 From Kimberly Woods to Everyone:
Deborah, thank you so much for letting us in to see it in its different versions along the way—it was an amazing process to watch
20:27:40 From Tovelah Hirsch to Everyone:
Reacted to “I seen it once, and …” with 🥰
20:27:48 From June Rachelson-Ospa to Everyone:
My first time, Didn’t know what to expect Wow
20:28:01 From Stacia Fernandez to Everyone:
Chris is here, Deborah!
20:28:06 From Carol Henley to Everyone:
Super wonderful, Deborah! I am in Florida with my brother and sister in law and we all watched!
20:28:13 From Maureen Condon to Everyone:
Thank you so much for inviting us!
20:28:13 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
Do you mean that the journal helps you to ask questions of yourself?
20:28:29 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Thank You Deborah for sharing your journey right from the start.
20:28:35 From Anne Shelton to Everyone:
Wow. Didn’t know what to expect. Just loved it. Congratulations. Well done!!
20:28:37 From rachel Cornell to Everyone:
How many times did I see myself in the story. Beautifully crafted and hope-filled!
20:29:00 From Stacia Fernandez to Everyone:
20:29:26 From Wendy Savage to Everyone:
Incredibly emotive on so many levels!!!! What a wonderful gift you’ve given us. Thank you so so much Deborah! You’ve got to be buzzing. This is fabulous.
20:29:27 From Robbin Gordon-Cartier to Everyone:
The actors are the best!!!
20:29:32 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
Brilliant performance Chris – you truly embodied the character – it was truly outstanding! Thank you so much!
20:29:51 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
Yay Chris!!!! You were phenomenal!
20:30:04 From Philip Gouin to Everyone:
Great job chris!!
20:30:11 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Hello Chris, Did the feather get damp, with all the lights lol lol
20:30:14 From Betsy Chapman to Everyone:
Chris! Tala!
20:30:16 From Anne Shelton to Everyone:
OMG, Chris you were amazing !! Such a lovely performance.
20:30:28 From Maureen Condon to Everyone:
Fabulous performance!!
20:30:38 From Ann Acevedo to Everyone:
The leads hav fantastic voices! Bravo!
20:30:44 From alex feldman to Everyone:
“You climbed it with just one hand ?!”
20:30:55 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
I would LOVE to have the opportunity to see it on stage!
20:30:56 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Chris, you are amazing, I was watching your eyes, it was like you were really living it
20:31:06 From Michael Bromberg to Everyone:
Deborah, I have to drop off now, thank you again!
20:31:12 From Carol Weiss to Everyone:
Brilliant performance!
20:31:13 From Maureen Condon to Everyone:
Did you film just one performance, or did you film many and edit together the shots. Did you do a 3 camera shoot?
20:31:17 From Stacia Fernandez to Everyone:
I love you DHC and Chris and Tala. I have to run. More later (tomorrow)! So happy that everyone gets to see it through the weekend.
20:31:46 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
Chris, you made it so very real!!!
20:33:09 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
I kept expecting to see a sticky note on Boris, because she had sticky notes everywhere. That he was, once upon a time one of her goals Sticky note
20:33:21 From Tovelah Hirsch to Everyone:
Chris, your facial expressions, bring out the story
20:34:58 From diane deiparine to Everyone:
We would love to hear from you all! if you can and if its okay, can you give us a review? 🙂
20:35:05 From diane deiparine to Everyone:
Video Review: Written Review:
20:36:32 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
I got goose bumps when they both opened their arms and sang and when their finger tips just a tip from touching
20:37:01 From Rebecca Coyne to Everyone:
I really appreciated the idea of the cage & the different perspectives A & B had depending on which side of the cage they were. How important it can be to receive a push in life and to be reminded of a different view.😀 It has certainly been worth staying up to watch it (I’m on UK time!). I thoroughly enjoyed the entire production, Thank you so much xxx
20:38:19 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Great costume ideas, who made Maddies coat. What do you do with the costumes now….
20:38:30 From Wendy Savage to Everyone:
This story really shows us how perspectives can really change our minds. So powerful and so thoughtful. I’ll be thinking about this for quite some time.
20:38:51 From Cathy Curby to Everyone:
Reacted to “I really appreciated…” with 👍
20:44:06 From Tovelah Hirsch to Everyone:
Left us uplifted…
20:44:27 From Tara O’Brien Pride to Everyone:
Shared childhood geography….I wonder whether that contributed to how naturally the two of you connected on stage. When I meet someone that seems very natural to talk to, it often turns out they came from near where I lived as a child.
20:45:11 From Betsy Chapman to Everyone:
This was an incredible team. What they accomplished in such a short period of time is amazing.
20:45:43 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
Replying to “Left us uplifted…”

Yes! So true! 💜
20:47:04 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
That is so true to life – you don’t understand until you’re in someone else’s shoes!
20:49:17 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
She puts her arm on his back near the end
20:49:31 From Terry Ferraro to Everyone:
She touched your shoulder when you were sitting in the chair
20:51:35 From Maureen Condon to Everyone:
Deborah, your show is wonderful! Hope you get to see it performed live on many stages. Please keep me posted! I have to jump off in a few minutes. Thank you so much for this invitation to see the premiere! You deserve this great success!!! All my best, Maureen
20:52:04 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
She consoled him with a touch own his shoulder when he was sitting in the chair
20:55:59 From Tara O’Brien Pride to Everyone:
That’s a beautiful point, that when Alphea comes back, she’s made a compassionate choice, and that is the sort of choice that can change the world.
20:56:16 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
For me, the universal line was at the end when Alphea talks about the bars are forged by every hurt, etc (not paraphrasing accurately) – but that was the part that I think no one escapes in life….
20:56:22 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
Reacted to “For me, the universa…” with ❤️
20:56:37 From diane deiparine to Everyone:
Reacted to “For me, the universa…” with ❤️
20:58:52 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
Reacted to “For me, the universa…” with ❤️
20:58:55 From Tovelah Hirsch to Everyone:
Reacted to “For me, the universa…” with ❣️
21:03:03 From Tammy Halun to Terry Ferraro(Direct Message):
Could you put your camera on so we can bring you up?
21:03:59 From Faith Amour to Everyone:
Reacted to “For me, the universa…” with ❤️
21:04:32 From Jilly Lowe to Everyone:
Dhc you have such a talent it’s a wonderful show I hope it goes from strength to strength
Chris you have such a lovely rich tone voice, very expressive acting I felt I was there with you both
Thanks its 2am here in uk I have to go x
21:04:34 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
I hope we will get to be on some kind of list to learn when and where this show is put out there again. Can’t wait to see it live
21:04:37 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
Yes Tala – me too – imagine the same show with different actors in the future – how interesting that will all be!
21:05:20 From Tala Munsterman to Everyone:
Reacted to “Yes Tala – me too – …” with ❤️
21:12:44 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
Also, we feel less upset about Boris because after he pushes her he comes out of the cage with her.I’d still be interested to know what Chris thinks of the idea of himself playing the part of Alphea … especially as he has reflected across the last year and realised he is increasingly identifying with aspects of Alphea.
21:13:58 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
I feel like they now have the freedom to do both (in the cage and out of the cage)
21:17:28 From Luke Holliger to Everyone:
He reached out to her with selfish intent. He wanted it so much that he would do anything to get it. Including pushing her off the cliff. When she was out she discovered what Boris had known all along. But she knows where he is stuck now. She reached out to him with compassion and taught him what that meant.
21:20:41 From Tala Munsterman to Everyone:
Reacted to “He reached out to he…” with ❤️
21:22:27 From Davida DeMonte to Everyone:
In the pre show talk, DHC discussed which composers influenced this work. I felt that I heard notes of “ The Fantastiks”, both musically and thematicly in the play. Just something I thought about when I was watching.
21:22:41 From Luke Holliger to Everyone:
Agreed. It never came off as malice
21:22:43 From Mary Robinson to Everyone:
I just wonder how many actions that any one of us take are with single intent. Most of us can find a reason to do or not do anything. We’re silly little complex creatures,. Or we hide inside complexity because honesty and simplicity are hard!
21:22:43 From Rebecca Coyne to Everyone:
So human, definitely and thus relatable 😀
21:22:48 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
We all have a bit of that villain in us, that pulls us out of our shells, or forms excuses to deny what we need.
21:23:04 From Kimberly Woods to Everyone:
I’ve changed my feelings about Boris every time I’ve seen the show—at first I really felt bad that his dream became his prison and then I hated his manipulation of Alphea—but now, I see he just didn’t have any empathy and didn’t know any better so hopefully once he is out of the cage he will know better and do better
21:23:50 From Mary Robinson to Everyone:
And Boris regret has as much self-indulgence as real regret, but they are both part of our silly etc, right?
21:24:22 From Rebecca Coyne to Everyone:
I agree with Tala, I never saw B as the villain of the piece. I saw a human being.
21:26:13 From Tala Munsterman to Everyone:
Reacted to “I agree with Tala, I…” with 👍
21:26:29 From Wendy Savage to Everyone:
Each side of the cage is transformative.
21:26:41 From DHC – Private to Everyone:
Reacted to “Each side of the cag…” with ❤️
21:27:28 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
Anne, that sounds like a question for Kathleen Wiley in Jung at Harp. 🙂
21:31:07 From Scott and Judith to Everyone:
Deborah, it’d be fascinating to listen to two people that see The Golden Cage, one who is familiar with you and your other works and one who is not, discussing it afterwards. I see it through the lens of familiarity with you and your work and I wonder how differently, or not, someone without that familiarity would see it. The journals could be a great catalyst for those conversations.
21:32:54 From June Rachelson-Ospa to Everyone:
There’s so much to take in, So many layers are there,
21:33:32 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
On the topic of the cage still being there – I hadn’t thought of the cage as remaining negative – in my mind, the cage had now become “The Golden Cage” that they could enjoy and rest in together but with the freedom to come and go …. But I like the concept of it remaining negative and somewhere we could fall back into if we allowed ourselves
21:33:39 From Betsy Chapman to Everyone:
This conversation reminds me of something I’ve run into before – you think you’re just going to “see a show” and then suddenly that show makes you reevaluate your life!
21:33:45 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Tom, it’s wonderful listening to you.
21:33:51 From Tara O’Brien Pride to Everyone:
Congratulations to everyone involved in bringing this show into being, especially DHC for persevering in sharing this vision through the years. The experience is powerful and beautiful. I must go, but I will definitely be interested to see it live someday.
21:33:52 From Robbin Gordon-Cartier to Everyone:
This was/is great!!
21:34:11 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Chris, it’s nice to meet you. Your so awesome.
21:34:20 From Chris Isolano to Everyone:
Reacted to “Chris, it’s nice to …” with ❤️
21:34:29 From Jeanne Lowe to Everyone:
Thank you, this has been wonderful.
21:34:37 From Rebecca Coyne to Everyone:
Goodnight, it’s after 2.30 am UK time so thank you very much 👏 and congratulations !!!
21:34:41 From Chris Isolano to Everyone:
Thank you all! You’re so wonderful!
21:34:42 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
My other comment I’ll just mention quickly, is how did Alphea hear the myth in childhood?
21:34:44 From Kimberly Woods to Everyone:
Bravo everyone—such a success!!
21:34:46 From Wendy Savage to Everyone:
Thank you so much!!!! This is even more than I could have imagined. I’m grateful for everyone and this perfect conversation.
21:35:04 From Connie LoPorto to Everyone:
Thank You again Deborah for sharing your life, and your dream of this production
21:35:09 From Laurie Grant to Everyone:
Congratulations again, Deborah!! Just totally thrilled for you and your achievement! 💜🌈
21:35:15 From Davida DeMonte to Everyone:
I will tell my friends to watch it!
21:35:40 From Anne Horton to Everyone:
That was thoroughly enjoyable and extremely deep – on every level!
21:35:48 From June Rachelson-Ospa to Everyone:
Have a great night all

Post-Show Chat Transcript - (4:30 pm ET Chat)

[Nevart Zeronian] 20:19:00
So beautiful congratulations they they were!

[Nevart Zeronian] 20:19:07

[DHC – Private] 20:19:08
Thank you. Can you hear me? Oh, so great to see you, my buddy!

[DHC – Private] 20:19:14
Hi November, so great to see you. Thank you.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:18
Everybody! Oh, sorry I’m putting Menivard in the middle.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:21
I should put myself. Okay. Hi, oh, thank you so so much.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:29
It was really amazing to get to watch it with. With all of you and your amazing comments.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:36
And I know that Chris is here as well, and so I just want to.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:40
Oh, Stacy says this training musical’s team is so proud.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:43
Thank you. It has been incredible, amazing, amazing, to bring this out.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:50
I have a feeling a relative of Chris is here, and it just.

[DHC – Private] 20:19:56
This is just the beginning, like this is the first step so I want to answer anything you have to say.

[DHC – Private] 20:22:01
A Betsy. Sorry I see so many people here who, without whom this would not have happened so I’m just gonna pull!

[Tammy Halun] 20:22:08
Can you add me as co-host? And then I can record?

[DHC – Private] 20:22:09
Yes! Oh, let me. Yes, thank you. Yes, thank you.

[DHC – Private] 20:22:14
Okay, perfect. I think I just don’t. Oh, sorry. Oh, good!

[Tammy Halun] 20:22:18
No, I’m still here. I’m still here.

[DHC – Private] 20:22:20
Good. Okay. Everyone bear with me while I find people again. You know it would help if you raise your hand.

[Tammy Halun] 20:22:25
Does it help if I talk?

[Tammy Halun] 20:22:30
Okay. I’ll do that. Hold on!

[DHC – Private] 20:22:31
Actually, yeah.

[DHC – Private] 20:22:35
Okay. Oh, I think I found out. I think I found you.

[Tammy Halun] 20:22:37
Okay. Well.

[DHC – Private] 20:22:40
I’m gonna make you the host right? Okay? And then you’re gonna make me the co-host.

[Tammy Halun] 20:22:41
Oh, no! Let me! There you go!

[DHC – Private] 20:22:48
Okay. Alright. Okay. Well, I would just love to hear what everyone has to say, and also invite you to.

[Tammy Halun] 20:22:49

[DHC – Private] 20:22:58
We created 2 different ways for you to leave review for you to share.

[DHC – Private] 20:23:04
We? We left 2 different ways. Oh, and oh, you’re gonna need to make me host again, because we were gonna put this onto Facebook, live.

[DHC – Private] 20:23:12
This is great. I’m just reading the comments.

[DHC – Private] 20:23:15
It feels great, Laurie. I mean, you guys made this possible Robinson is so good love did in person.

[DHC – Private] 20:23:22
Yes, some of you got to see it in person. And so, Robin, I would love to just get you up here, and also you, Betsy, and have you talked a little bit about what it was like to see it in first in person, and then see the video, like this, and then I want to get Chris up here because I’m, sure many of

[DHC – Private] 20:23:38
you have questions for him, so let me just try bringing Betsy and oh, oh, I think you need to be.

[DHC – Private] 20:23:43
Am I co-host?

[DHC – Private] 20:23:46
Well, I’m gonna pull Robin up if I can.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:23:48
You hear me? I’m here. I’m here with hey, sweet!

[Tammy Halun] 20:23:49
Your host.

[DHC – Private] 20:23:50
Hi Robyn!

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:23:53
Oh, my God! Let me tell you something. It you know it was exciting, and it was gorgeous in person, but seeing it now sitting home, it’s this is gonna be one of those shows that you’re gonna want to see over and over and over and over because it’s like you’re at this

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:12
Italian opera. And each time a new thing pops out for you a new thought.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:16
A new something, and I mean sitting home with my wine and my my order. I mean what better way to watch it again?

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:23
But oh, my gosh! I mean and you’re sitting here, and you’re crying, and you’re thinking, Yeah, I have a drink.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:29
Oh! I gotta get out of this. That’s that’s fine.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:32
No problem, I mean. Oh, man, Deborah, I see this everywhere, in all languages, this I’m telling you.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:40
This is going to take off even more than right now. This is not just a moment.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:45
I really believe that because I so much enjoyed watching it, sitting here.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:24:52
It’s just congratulations. It’s just and tab.

[DHC – Private] 20:24:54
Thank you. It is a total, a total boy. And, Betsy, you were actually in, I mean, you were actually part of the crew.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:25:04
Yeah, it was really fun to see it from the front and not from like backstage.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:25:10
I saw their faces. It was wonderful, but 2 really interesting things for me.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:25:16
One the amount of the music that I remembered that has become your worms for me, which is, you know, earworm in the best sense of the word, because I can’t get it out of my head because of both the music and the words and the message, and and secondarily the the number of things

[DHC – Private] 20:25:28

[Betsy Chapman] 20:25:39
I saw this time that I either didn’t remember or didn’t focus on previously, even though I saw this show, for, like what was it?

[Betsy Chapman] 20:25:51
8 days straight, or something admittedly right, admittedly, mostly from backstage.

[DHC – Private] 20:25:52
Right? Because as well, okay.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:25:59
But it’s I mean Robin’s exactly right.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:26:01
As she often is, that you’re gonna watch this 50 times and you’re gonna see 50 different layers.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:26:09
So, and I mean bravo to the cast!

[Betsy Chapman] 20:26:13
Bravo to the crew. It was certainly a mountaintop experience pun intended of my life being able to help a little bit with it, and I can’t wait to see this go around the world.

[DHC – Private] 20:26:28
Well, thank you, and I invite everybody here. We just found out that we get to keep it open.

[DHC – Private] 20:26:33
This stream open through the weekend, so tell your friends people who didn’t get to be able to come just tell them come to come and watch it.

[DHC – Private] 20:26:38
One of the things that I noticed when I was watching it be put together, because when it was originally there was not all the orchestration, it was solo.

[DHC – Private] 20:26:47
Piano, and the 2 characters, and as Tim was adding the orchestration, I literally saw different things.

[DHC – Private] 20:26:55
What he did to the music started opening up different things in the show to me that I’ve never seen the connections that had never seen before.

[DHC – Private] 20:27:03
So, yeah, I can’t wait for people to see it over and over again, and the big thing for me is I talked about this in my therapy sessions a lot. Now.

[DHC – Private] 20:27:12
So I really want my therapist to see it, because I’m always like, now, okay, now, I’m at that point where she’s just about to jump off like, oh, I’m just on.

[DHC – Private] 20:27:19
I just jumped off the cliff, but at the same time I’m also trying to blow the trumpet like I can.

[DHC – Private] 20:27:25
It’s giving me a language to talk to my therapist and describe my experience that I didn’t have before, which is weird, but.

[DHC – Private] 20:27:34
And that’s why one of the Perks for the fundraiser is this this journal that a writer, Mary Robinson, and I, made together, and we should have those out by tomorrow.

[DHC – Private] 20:27:46
And they’re really interesting because you get to. Then go in and look as kind of ask some questions instead of just watching the show.

[DHC – Private] 20:27:54
So I’m so thrilled that you guys, okay, okay.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:27:58
It’s really been. Yeah, it’s been an honor to be a part.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:27:59
Thank you. Thank you. It!

[Betsy Chapman] 20:28:05
A small part of this, and hopefully we’ll be able to be a part of it as it goes on and gets introduced to new markets and new people.

[Betsy Chapman] 20:28:14
And you know.

[DHC – Private] 20:28:15
Right, yeah.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:28:16
No, no, there’s so many that in where he’s like, you know, reaching his handout.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:28:23
And just oh, forget about it. I’m gonna watch it again tonight after I finish teaching I’ll be here.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:28:29
But you’re gonna see me go off screen, because you know, I have to teach the little kids at the same time.

[DHC – Private] 20:28:29
Okay, okay, got it. Okay, that is.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:28:34
But you know how I work, but oh, my gosh! I had a I had to just come.

[DHC – Private] 20:28:35
Okay, well, thank you. Robert.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:28:38
Say, you know. Bravo! And look at all the people who love you support you.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:28:43
We are all just. I mean, this is a moment we’re taking it with you.

[DHC – Private] 20:28:46
Okay. Alright. Thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you. Robin.

[Robbin Gordon-Cartier] 20:28:47
That’s what we.

[DHC – Private] 20:28:52
I would love to bring up for everybody here. First of all, I want to know if there’s any questions I want to bring Chris on to the, so that you can actually get to talk to him in person.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:02
Oh! And I will love to bring Tala on also, who is a stage manager.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:08
Let me find where is Chris? Michael Bron?

[Gloria Hodes] 20:29:09

[DHC – Private] 20:29:11
They’re my friend.

[Tammy Halun] 20:29:12
You want to make me co-host, and I’ll help you.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:14
Yes, I would love to do that.

[Tammy Halun] 20:29:16
And did you wanna Facebook live stream this part?

[DHC – Private] 20:29:18
I do? I did you make me coach? Did you make you know what?

[Tammy Halun] 20:29:21
I made you host. That’s.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:22
Maybe we maybe we can put put it out there afterwards.

[Tammy Halun] 20:29:26

[DHC – Private] 20:29:26
I like. But thank you, Tammy I feel like being kind of close with everybody.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:32
So let’s look for Chris. I’d like to pull you on.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:35
And is there anybody? Oh, that’s what. So what did you think?

[DHC – Private] 20:29:38
Watching it. Chris?

[Chris Isolano] 20:29:41
Hi! Everyone. First of all.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:42
And and this is a great time for you to get to ask Chris questions and also say anything you want him to know in in the chat.

[Gloria Hodes] 20:29:43

[DHC – Private] 20:29:52
And this is Tala, who was our stage manager and and it was also the stage manager for this this.

[DHC – Private] 20:29:58
It’s as well.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:29:59
Hi! Everybody! This is wonderful. I love reading all your comments during the on the Youtube.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:30:06
It was great.

[DHC – Private] 20:30:07

[Chris Isolano] 20:30:08
Thank you all so much for being here. It’s really really special just to see so many people are getting to witness this and being as in love with the musical as as we have been for the journey so we really appreciate your support.

[Chris Isolano] 20:30:25
And we really appreciate you all joining us here, and just like, you know, getting to know a little bit more about the project in us.

[Chris Isolano] 20:30:31
It’s been a crazy journey. It’s been a year since we filmed this almost to the Oh, Iowa. On my way home I walked right past Theatre Row, where we had our run last spring, and it was very nostalgic as you were watching I got to

[Tala Munsterman] 20:30:36
Almost to the day, which is crazy.

[DHC – Private] 20:30:37

[Chris Isolano] 20:30:51
join for the second half, and it was really cool to join and see people commenting and and sharing their experience, watching it because it’s of, I think, for everyone who experiences the story.

[Chris Isolano] 20:31:05
It’s it becomes very personalized because the theme there are so many themes that resonate with so many people in so many different ways.

[Chris Isolano] 20:31:15
And that’s what I think is the most special part about the show is that it really connects people from all walks of life, and everybody can kind of find something within the story that they resonate with.

[Chris Isolano] 20:31:30
I know. That’s why I was drawn to the peach so much.

[Chris Isolano] 20:31:33
But it’s really great to watch and to listen, and to hear all the things that you all take away from it, and that you all see from it as well, because we all learn a little bit more about the piece when we hear what others see so thank.

[DHC – Private] 20:31:48
So Chris, I have a question for you, and I’ll bet other people do as well.

[DHC – Private] 20:31:51
So, and I’d love to bring Tall up again later.

[DHC – Private] 20:31:54
And then we have some great questions in the on the thing, too.

[DHC – Private] 20:31:58
But so when you were playing Boris, I mean, did you?

[DHC – Private] 20:32:01
Were there a moment, or what? Let me ask you this? And watching the film, are there were there things that shifted for you this time, or what’s shifted over time that makes you feel like you are, Boris, are like you are Alfie like because that’s been my experience through this last year, is really feeling that

[DHC – Private] 20:32:16
I’m both of them.

[Chris Isolano] 20:32:17
Yeah, I definitely resonate with that.

[Chris Isolano] 20:32:21
I think that, of course, when we were filming and when we were doing our run last year, I was very invested in Boris’s journey, and his story, and and Alfea was infringing on that, and I was really finding where the points in my life kind of fit with Boris’s and

[Chris Isolano] 20:32:38
how I could kind of elevate that to match him, and to really show that their relationship that forms really becomes, you know, tethered in his life.

[Chris Isolano] 20:32:50
But through the past year, and watching it grow, and especially watching it now with the orchestrations and it’s just the final project I’ve realized how much of Alfia’s story I resonate with maybe even more so at times than Boris’s

[Chris Isolano] 20:33:12
and that has been really great to kind of find that there are.

[Chris Isolano] 20:33:16
But there are so many things with both of their stories that kind of set with my life.

[DHC – Private] 20:33:23

[Tala Munsterman] 20:33:23
Chris, I love that you said that for me it was very much the opposite.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:33:29
When we did this last year, I related so much to Alfia, and, like her journey and her story , I found it very interesting that when I came back on for this I now I’m relating a lot to Boris and his story and kind of his journey, and I think it’s really cool how

[Tala Munsterman] 20:33:47
you can watch this over and over and over, and that as you grow, you relate, and you learn new things from different perspective.

[DHC – Private] 20:33:55
I definitely had the same experience. Originally, when I first wrote it, I was like, Oh, well, I’m Althea.

[DHC – Private] 20:34:01
And what’s this thing that’s come into my life, and especially especially writing the journal and somebody asked, What does this journal does this journal?

[DHC – Private] 20:34:09
It is questions. It’s as though you’re seeing the Characters Journal and then there’s also questions and prompts for you to write as well and as I’ve been writing this journal I’ve been realizing just how much I identify with Boris’s journey, and especially and especially

[DHC – Private] 20:34:26
the fact of like realizing that he, too, is trapped.

[DHC – Private] 20:34:30
He was trapped by that cage. He was trapped by his obsession with the cage until the end, when and what she really freed him from was not being inside of it, but actually being isolated in his mania for it I don’t know what that says about my life.

[DHC – Private] 20:34:48

[Tala Munsterman] 20:34:50
Oh, I think it was beautiful. I think that how you originally wrote it and composed it very much, showed that story when he steps into the cage, but I also think that the lighting and I know someone was talking about it on Youtube on the comments that literally and it was one of my favorite

[Tala Munsterman] 20:35:08
cues, because the second Chris, like, puts those bars back up.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:35:13
Everything just goes cold, and it’s just like, Ugh!

[Tala Munsterman] 20:35:15
And I think it helps push that story along. And it was.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:35:21
It’s one of my favorite moments of the show, because it’s just so stunning to like.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:35:23
Just see, it’s beautiful.

[DHC – Private] 20:35:25
And you know it’s interesting that you’re saying.

[DHC – Private] 20:35:26
That taller because I know when I was first developing the show, and I was like, how are we gonna show that it’s different on the inside than the outside, like, how’s that gonna happen?

[DHC – Private] 20:35:34
And it’s been so amazing to watch all the designer, the actors, and the designers, as well as the music, illustrating all of that.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:35:41

[DHC – Private] 20:35:41
And you know, cause I made it. It’s a story I made in my head, you know.

[DHC – Private] 20:35:45
I had it in my head, but as I watch it, and as I look at the costumes which, by the way, I have here, I can pull them out.

[DHC – Private] 20:35:50
Oh! You can be jealous right now.

[DHC – Private] 20:35:53
Cause I’m wearing is that.

[DHC – Private] 20:35:57
Cause, like the greatest thing in the whole world. This hat I love it.

[Chris Isolano] 20:35:57

[Chris Isolano] 20:36:01
My favorite costume, please. I’ve I’ve ever got had the privilege to wear.

[DHC – Private] 20:36:05
It’s really wonderful. I can’t remember what I was saying.

[DHC – Private] 20:36:09
I was saying something totally profound, and I forgot what it was.

[DHC – Private] 20:36:13
But I’m wondering if other people oh, I know.

[DHC – Private] 20:36:15
I see Tom has a question. Would you like to ask a question, Tom?

[DHC – Private] 20:36:18
You wanna would you like to unmute and come up to ask us?

[DHC – Private] 20:36:23
Or did you accidentally raise your hand? And now you’re sorry you did.

[Tom Casciero] 20:36:26
I raised my I raised my head on purpose. Chris, I just wanted to congratulate you.

[DHC – Private] 20:36:28

[Tom Casciero] 20:36:33
I’ve trained actors for 30 years, and your embodiment of that character and of the bird-like qualities and and your easy access to emotion and shifting emotion is really stellar.

[Tom Casciero] 20:36:45
It’s just really, really good stuff, and that on top of that to be singing some stuff that’s not always so easy.

[Tom Casciero] 20:36:51
It was just, and just you carrying the character all the way through.

[Tom Casciero] 20:36:58
That journey was really really beautiful. So you know, I don’t.

[Tom Casciero] 20:37:02
You know, it’s not like I go around saying things like that to a lot of people.

[Tom Casciero] 20:37:04
I just say it when I see it, and that was really a great performance.

[Tom Casciero] 20:37:09
And listen to your ability to listen and respond, and even the moments when you are doing anything you were activated.

[Tom Casciero] 20:37:14
It was just really beautiful, very live between the presence.

[Chris Isolano] 20:37:17
Thank you so much.

[DHC – Private] 20:37:19
I’d love to say something about that, because I’d like to talk about the audition process, and I don’t know if you were there for that Tala.

[DHC – Private] 20:37:29
But the audition process was very, very funky, like there we were.

[DHC – Private] 20:37:33
The sound was terrible, and it was through zoom because this was in the middle of Covid, and I was seeing it.

[DHC – Private] 20:37:37
But when Chris came out and Maddie came out with him, the 2 of them auditioned together, and I just was like Whoa!

[DHC – Private] 20:37:43
They’re their relationship to each other was so powerful. I was like, I want them together.

[DHC – Private] 20:37:49
And then, when Chris sang the song, then at last the curtain opens, and he was singing it solo.

[DHC – Private] 20:37:56
It originally was completely a duet, but watching him sing that, and I can’t even tell you how crappy the you know the whatever it was, I mean.

[DHC – Private] 20:38:04
What I was hearing was so crappy. But what came through was so I was crying, and I made a decision at that point to change the way the music was written, so that that his line so he could stand there. And sing that line because it was just so powerful and beautiful it’s really amazing.

[Tom Casciero] 20:38:21
And I think she did a great job, too. I just wanted her there in front of me to talk to her as well.

[DHC – Private] 20:38:24

[DHC – Private] 20:38:27
Right right. She’s on a cruise ship.

[Tom Casciero] 20:38:28
This fourth time around. I really appreciated her voice more. Now that I’ve heard things, and I wasn’t into into that flow.

[Tom Casciero] 20:38:36
I was like, Oh, my God! She’s really doing some stuff with their voice that like, Wow!

[DHC – Private] 20:38:40
Yeah, it was amazing that we got the people that we got in the situation that we were in, and for that I really have to credit the casting coach or the casting director.

[DHC – Private] 20:38:52
Cindy Rush was really amazing. Oh, I see we have another question from Ann, and one of our greatest question askers in the world.

[Anne Horton] 20:39:00
Well, I’ve got a whole lot more now that I’ve just listened to that bit of conversation, and I totally agree with everything it’s been, said Chris.

[Anne Horton] 20:39:08
Oh, my, you were just incredible, absolutely incredible! Did you know, Maddie, beforehand like it’s we just said you auditioned together.

[Chris Isolano] 20:39:21
So it’s a funny story. I actually did not know Maddie beforehand how I grew up.

[Chris Isolano] 20:39:28
Half by coastally my. My dad lived in California, and I, my mom, lived on Long Island.

[Chris Isolano] 20:39:35
So I primarily was on Long Island, but my dad moved and was living in Fresno, California, for most of my life, and ironically, that is where Maddie grew up, and we found out, you know, after we were cast and we got to know each other that you know, when I spent you know months and

[Chris Isolano] 20:39:52
months that of the year in California, I was actually less than 8 min from where Maddie was growing up, we were just about the same age, so we didn’t know each other, but we were in very close.

[Chris Isolano] 20:40:04
Proximity for most of our lives, which is just kind of crazy coincidence, because not many people live in Fresno, California.

[Anne Horton] 20:40:13

[Chris Isolano] 20:40:13
So it’s very interesting that we that we kind of wound up there, and it was very special to us.

[Chris Isolano] 20:40:19
It was definitely something that connected us right from the get-.

[Anne Horton] 20:40:21
Hmm! And so you met at the audition. But and you had learned you learned all your parts sort of separately.

[Anne Horton] 20:40:30
How much time did you practice together?

[Chris Isolano] 20:40:33
I think we had maybe 5 min in the hallway together of the rehearsals of the rehearsal space that we were in.

[Chris Isolano] 20:40:41
You know they. I think we, I was told to read with maybe 2 or 3 other people who were auditioning for Alfia.

[Chris Isolano] 20:40:51
Just one small scene. And Maddie was, I believe, the last person that I got to read with, and I had, you know, maybe a less than 5 min with each of them to just kind of run through the lines and kind of you know, get comfortable, together.

[Chris Isolano] 20:41:05
But Maddie and I had the most time in the room together, and I think that was just because we connected, you know, really.

[Chris Isolano] 20:41:11
Well, really well in the room. I could tell that she she was ready to say yes, and to move through whatever this you know, like Dora said this just crazy auditions experience that we were going through because she was on camera.

[Anne Horton] 20:41:12

[Chris Isolano] 20:41:25
And you know we didn’t know where to where to play the scenes, because we wanted her to see it on camera.

[Chris Isolano] 20:41:30
But we wanted to have the freedom to use the room, but we also didn’t know the lines.

[Anne Horton] 20:41:34

[Chris Isolano] 20:41:34
So it was really a quite a crazy experience, but it wound up, being very special for us.

[DHC – Private] 20:41:39
And the thing that really hit me was their physical connection to each other, meaning there was just one moment when they kind of went off book, and they were responding to each other, and that was the moment that I was like, okay, those 2 people there there’re already playing together, and I wanna see what happens when they

[DHC – Private] 20:42:00
play more together.

[Anne Horton] 20:42:01
Hmm! So so you mean your first meeting over?

[Anne Horton] 20:42:06
Like zoom, something like that. You weren’t actually meeting face-to-face.

[DHC – Private] 20:42:09
Well, they were live, they were live in a room in New York City, but I was watching through this terrible, terrible zoom.

[Anne Horton] 20:42:18

[DHC – Private] 20:42:18
Where I could hear almost nothing, just because of the way it was set up.

[DHC – Private] 20:42:25
But it still came through, and I think in some ways I think it was better than the zoom connection was bad, because I was able to really see their chemistry, and I mean the whole rehearsal process was only 3 weeks long, and then we had 13 h of tech and this was on so you can imagine.

[Anne Horton] 20:42:34

[DHC – Private] 20:42:41
What might happen. I mean, my dream is that this production actually gets taken somewhere, that because I just think it’s so wonderful, and it only just got started.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:42:54
It’s wild to like. Think about when you go and watch these things.

[Anne Horton] 20:42:56

[Tala Munsterman] 20:42:58
Now, like we really had. We had 2, full weeks where we were in this tiny little rehearsal room, all of us just like shove together.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:06
We rehearsed for 2 weeks, and then we were able we only had 12 h to tech it, and then we are in front of an audience.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:11
And so what you’re seeing filmed was our like.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:15
Our last 2 performances, and then we had a full day where it was just.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:18
We had like a 3 camera setup, and they were like really going.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:22
Out of kind of more like a film set, and it was.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:24
It’s wild to look back and think of that. We put it.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:27
The whole process was just 3 weeks, which is just insane, and like even day, one like I didn’t realize the war that you had been on Zoom for the audition process, because even day one, just that’s when I got to meet everybody and like the chemistry was just like immediate like just being able

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:43
to see you could feel it almost in the room the minute they start singing through everything.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:47
It was. It was quite it was one of the craziest experiences I’ve had thus far working here, and everything.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:43:53
It’s been. It’s been crazy.

[DHC – Private] 20:43:55
Did you have another question, Anne?

[Anne Horton] 20:43:58
I think it’s gonna be very interesting for Chris and Maddie when they get the journal, and they because they have like, literally lived it.

[Anne Horton] 20:44:08
You know where I’m having the vicarious experience, but they did it, and you know I hear what you said, Chris, about.

[Anne Horton] 20:44:18
I think there’s something that everyone resonate with.

[Anne Horton] 20:44:23
When they and the other thought that was in my mind was because both the characters could be played by an male or female.

[Anne Horton] 20:44:31
There was no. Did you ever imagine playing elsewhere? I mean the notes, though they were really high, right?

[Anne Horton] 20:44:40
But apart from that.

[DHC – Private] 20:44:41
It would be done. He would do it an octave lower if if it was, unless it was a counter tenor doing it, and we do.

[Chris Isolano] 20:44:48

[Anne Horton] 20:44:49
How interesting.

[DHC – Private] 20:44:51
I think we had you auditioned with with one man, didn’t we, Chris? Maybe.

[Chris Isolano] 20:44:55
I I believe so. I know that there was that the audition process was very inclusive, and it it was very much, you know, so read for and kinda sync for either both characters.

[Chris Isolano] 20:45:09
I think that in the audition I even read some of Alpha’s stuff just because they were trying to see, you know, kind of how it was going, how these characters were going to fit together.

[Chris Isolano] 20:45:20
So I think I even started off reading some of stuff.

[Chris Isolano] 20:45:23
But to your question and I there were times when we were in the rehearsal process where I really had to put myself in.

[Chris Isolano] 20:45:33
Alfia shoes because he, you know, Boris thinks he knows everything.

[Chris Isolano] 20:45:39
He’s so petulant, and he there was so many moments where I, where I thought I have to understand where she’s coming from.

[Chris Isolano] 20:45:48
In this moment, because, you know, there’s that whole mid section where he does ever in his power to kind of break her down in his own.

[Chris Isolano] 20:45:58
You know, Psyche and think, Okay, I don’t know. Really.

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:00
Know this person that well, but I’ve spent enough time with what he thinks.

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:05
Is this crazy, you know, being to to understand that she likes X, y.

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:11
And Z, and that she thinks that she needs X, y, and Z.

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:14
And how am I gonna get for that? How am I gonna get that to her?

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:17
But you know that only goes so far, especially with Boris.

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:23
As a character. He! He just can’t understand, of course, until he’s in the cage.

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:30
Why, she is the way she is. It makes absolutely no sense to him. I love that.

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:36
It’s the first line that he says to her when they meet when he, you know, kind of stumbles upon her is, what are you doing here in the middle of nowhere like, why would you ever be out here in the middle of nowhere but he’s there he’s

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:51
out walking in the middle of nowhere, and he’s immediately like, What are you doing?

[Chris Isolano] 20:46:55
So just, very interesting kind of dichotomy of experiences that winds up, you know, being the whole magic of the show.

[DHC – Private] 20:47:03
Well when you say that Chris is making me realize I never thought about this but that he’s not seeing that he’s like her, or he’s not seeing he’s seeing that they are complete opposites.

[Chris Isolano] 20:47:12
Absolutely it is. It is really beautiful story telling that by the end they they both realize how much they are like and realize that they both would like to be on the ledge and to fly, and that’s the whole time they’ve they’ve shared that even though

[DHC – Private] 20:47:13

[DHC – Private] 20:47:29

[Chris Isolano] 20:47:35
they have been kind of grappling with the fact that they believe that each wants either.

[Chris Isolano] 20:47:41
What the what the other is yearning for, or each believes the complete opposite of what the other believes, and it really is what makes the story so compelling to watch, because it is a constant push and pull of power and perspective.

[Chris Isolano] 20:47:58
And that is really, really fun as a, as an actor to kind of maneuver and work through and with.

[Chris Isolano] 20:48:06
Maddie. It was really wonderful to it was really wonderful to kind of map our journey together, our very personal journey together through the show, because it it is very easy, I think, when you have one person on one side of this stage and another person on the other to kind of get to kind, of get either

[Chris Isolano] 20:48:26
stuck in in one kind of error and one kind of emotion and and story. But it is another thing to kind of weave yourself in, even though there is literally a physical barrier between you.

[DHC – Private] 20:48:41
I just realized this. I mean, I did.

[DHC – Private] 20:48:44
I did realize that you don’t touch throughout the entire play, even though you’re still engaged with each other.

[Chris Isolano] 20:48:54
Yeah, until that very moment at the end where she is, where she reaches it to the cage, which is, you know, which is what I’m locks the story for the book, though.

[DHC – Private] 20:48:57

[Anne Horton] 20:49:04
Don’t your hands touch the first time, or are they?

[Chris Isolano] 20:49:09
Don’t actually touch it gets he, you know we get close, but we don’t.

[DHC – Private] 20:49:09
They don’t. They touch. Hey, yeah.

[Anne Horton] 20:49:12

[Chris Isolano] 20:49:14
But we we decided that at that moment it it didn’t make sense for us to touch, because there was the not only the physical barrier of the cage, but this this kind of in that moment in the acapella moment it is very much suspended in time, and

[Chris Isolano] 20:49:34
I think that was that was the most.

[Chris Isolano] 20:49:40
Kind of cathartic moment for both characters, and we we did try it a few times where we decided to, you know, to put touch hands and kind of feed off each other’s weight, and it felt it felt much more powerful to be so close to something, that you wanted and to also be so close to

[Chris Isolano] 20:50:01
the thing that you don’t know that you want and feel that energy between you and the other performer, but not quite get it.

[Chris Isolano] 20:50:10
And that’s about the midpoint of the show.

[Chris Isolano] 20:50:11
So it really was was necessary, I think, as we’ve been talking about 2 person musical, you know.

[Chris Isolano] 20:50:23
End of this caliber of music is not easy to tackle 10 rehearsals to kind of get it under your belt is was really crazy and difficult, so the amount we had to lean on each other was was enormous. On the amount we had

[Tom Casciero] 20:50:31

[Chris Isolano] 20:50:43
So it just it became very much a circle of us kind of taking care of each other in that way, and figuring out what was the most efficient way to for us to sustain ourselves of emotionally and physically through the piece, because it definitely was I think, for

[Chris Isolano] 20:51:03
both of us the most challenging part of this whole process.

[Anne Horton] 20:51:07
Hmm! And it lends so much more power to the moment that you do touch.

[Anne Horton] 20:51:14
And that key line, which is, you know, when someone reaches inside.

[Tom Casciero] 20:51:18

[Anne Horton] 20:51:18
You know that, and that’s the moment you actually touch.

[Anne Horton] 20:51:21
That’d be a good question for the journal.

[Chris Isolano] 20:51:24
Absolutely, absolutely.

[Tom Casciero] 20:51:24

[DHC – Private] 20:51:25
What was that question began, what is the question?

[Anne Horton] 20:51:27
It is the. When do they first touch? And what is the significance of that?

[DHC – Private] 20:51:32
Oh, okay. Well, you know.

[Anne Horton] 20:51:33
And it’s not until then, you know, like.

[Tom Casciero] 20:51:37

[DHC – Private] 20:51:37
It’s interesting, because in the moment of that they’re not touching.

[DHC – Private] 20:51:41
If you, there’s actually a shadow on the wall in which they do touch.

[DHC – Private] 20:51:45
It wasn’t intentional, but somebody who was watching one of the screenings pointed that out.

[DHC – Private] 20:51:50
We haven’t seen that. Hmm!

[Anne Horton] 20:51:54
Thing, a foreshadowing of what was.

[Tom Casciero] 20:51:56

[DHC – Private] 20:51:57
Yes. So I wanna see. Yes, and it’s true that she did, the Terry is sharing. Sarah is saying.

[DHC – Private] 20:52:05
She touched your shoulder when you were sitting in the chair.

[DHC – Private] 20:52:08
That is also true, and I do remember that as well. Yeah, alright.

[Tammy Halun] 20:52:11
I think Tom wants to add something.

[DHC – Private] 20:52:12
Okay. I’m gonna remove. An again, I’m gonna put on Tom.

[DHC – Private] 20:52:16
Do anytime you wanna be off, toler. Let us know.

[DHC – Private] 20:52:21
Otherwise I’ll just. You’ll just be on. We like being on stage.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:52:24
I’m just. I’ll drop in.

[Tala Munsterman] 20:52:27
I’ll give my 2 cents when needed.

[Tom Casciero] 20:52:30
So. One of the things that struck me probably the third time I saw it the second time I saw it was but she comes back and gets him.

[Tom Casciero] 20:52:41
I mean it, you know it’s part of the story, but really it’s compassion.

[Tom Casciero] 20:52:45
It’s a really beautiful example of compassion. She’s been in that place she’s freed from that place instead of just keep going.

[Tom Casciero] 20:52:52
She has that moment of saying, Oh, my God! He!

[Tom Casciero] 20:52:57
I’ve left him there. I have to go back and get them, and there’s always a choice point in our lives when we, when we can choose compassion.

[Tom Casciero] 20:53:05
When we do, it changes the world, might think that’s a kind of an important point.

[Tom Casciero] 20:53:10
And then, as you said, and that reaching in and reaching out like I I’d seen it, but I hadn’t registered.

[Tom Casciero] 20:53:16
Is, it is deeply, you know, cause I was like, well, that’s right.

[Tom Casciero] 20:53:21
That’s what saves us, you know, someone reaching in, or someone reaching out.

[Tom Casciero] 20:53:27
Yeah, with that, both of them have to happen. But that’s to me.

[Tom Casciero] 20:53:30
That’s also a a kind of compassion thing.

[Tom Casciero] 20:53:34
So very powerful, thanks!

[DHC – Private] 20:53:35
Well, that’s what it took a lifetime to understand.

[DHC – Private] 20:53:40
I didn’t really understand the end of the show until quite recently.

[Chris Isolano] 20:53:46
And that’s a really beautiful kind of addition to the to this mythology of the show is that you know we never.

[Chris Isolano] 20:53:59
We never learn how or why Alfia got into the cage, but we do know that Boris has heard story after story after story about people looking for the cage and the roomumors that people have heard about how the you know people have experienced the cage.

[Chris Isolano] 20:54:18
So when Maddie and I were kind of talking about the origin of of the golden cage, and was she the first person ever in it, or have there been, you know, other people kind of in in her same place?

[Chris Isolano] 20:54:31
Was she Boris ones? And to think about, you know the possibility that Alfea was once flying around with the same intention as this?

[Chris Isolano] 20:54:44
Boris found the cage, was able to get into the cage the same way.

[Chris Isolano] 20:54:47
Boris was but that person that she kind of replace did not come back for her, and so she has been stuck there, thinking day after day after day, and that you know that it’s heartbreaking.

[Chris Isolano] 20:55:03
It’s really heartbreaking, and then, you know, it makes you know the way that the way that this musical ends just that much more powerful that she does come back and he hears her saying the same melodic lines that he has sung his whole life and that we’re basically his

[Chris Isolano] 20:55:22
lullabies, and he is just, you know, completely whole grasp of what he knows.

[Chris Isolano] 20:55:28
Completely stripped away, even more so than it already was.

[Chris Isolano] 20:55:33
As the cage was transforming in front of his eyes. And that is, you know, again, it’s just unbelievably powerful.

[DHC – Private] 20:55:44
That’s so beautiful! I that whole part.

[DHC – Private] 20:55:46
It. The show keeps opening up for me, or unlocking, and I had really never thought about that part of it, about what it means that she comes back for him, and I never thought about what you just said.

[DHC – Private] 20:55:59
Chris of what it would have been like to be in the kitchen.

[DHC – Private] 20:56:04
Not have somebody come back for you.

[DHC – Private] 20:56:06
Thank you, Tom, for that.

[Tom Casciero] 20:56:09

[DHC – Private] 20:56:10
Yeah. Okay, I think has a question, hey? I love that.

[DHC – Private] 20:56:17
You guys are asking questions. It’s wonderful.

[DHC – Private] 20:56:24
Oh, and you’re muted still!

[Faith Frankel] 20:56:29
Okay. Am I unmuted? Yes, congratulations.

[Faith Frankel] 20:56:34
This was just wonderful. I did go to New York and see the stage play, and I have to say I think it’s already been said that that I’m so glad I was able to see it again.

[Faith Frankel] 20:56:49
I want to see it yet again, I mean so many.

[Faith Frankel] 20:56:53
Ideas, were unlocked by watching it like this, and I also want to say that the putting it on film I mean, it’s on stage, and that has certain limitations.

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:05
But the film Alabama, for close-ups of the faces.

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:13
And really you. This was a film of this, the actual stage play.

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:18
So that’s quite a compliment to the actors, because you know, when you’re in a movie, you know, you’re gonna your face.

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:26
Better tell the story doesn’t you be in a closup?

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:30
But in this you were in a closeup. You know of your stage acting, and that was that was fabulous.

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:39
You know, that was just what wonderful work which you could only see by looking at this film.

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:47
You know it wasn’t. I was. It was a small space in theater, but still you couldn’t see the faces as well as you can with this.

[Faith Frankel] 20:57:54
So I was like blown away by that. The being on film, of course, allows for a lot of other stuff.

[Faith Frankel] 20:58:01
But it was a film of stage place. So even more impressive. And I get, that’s not a question that’s just, you know.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:08
Well, it’s a beautiful point about the this particular art form that I hadn’t really articulated.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:17
I knew that this and the last one I did. Invention and alchemy.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:19
My goal was to get give the audience the experience of being closer than the front row of being on the stage.

[Faith Frankel] 20:58:27

[DHC – Private] 20:58:27
Because that’s what I always longed for as a kid I want to be standing there looking at it.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:32
I wanna be like my face in there, and yeah, you’re right.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:34
What’s makes this so powerful is that you? You are acting for the the story and and the audience, and not for the camera.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:44
And it gives us a a very different experience than a filmed.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:50
Then a you know what we’re used to seeing as a movie.

[Faith Frankel] 20:58:53
Yeah, right?

[DHC – Private] 20:58:53
I don’t know the names part, I mean, I think streaming musicals.

[DHC – Private] 20:58:56
This is what kind of what streaming musicals is known for, and sometimes they call it a sound stage, musical, and and I think of it as closer than the front row, or on the stage with the actor.

[Faith Frankel] 20:59:06
Yeah, and I just have one other thing for you to borrow watching you.

[Faith Frankel] 20:59:14
Taking all these reactions and realizing, you know, as a writer myself, I’m not an actor, but I have a family full of factors and musicians and stuff.

[Faith Frankel] 20:59:23
Is that when someone interacts with your work, isn’t it?

[Faith Frankel] 20:59:30
Either great or not so great to hear what they say, that you didn’t even think of.

[Faith Frankel] 20:59:36
You know. Novelists get that all the time, you know.

[Faith Frankel] 20:59:40
Huge interpretations, academic ideas that they didn’t even know what we’re there or existed.

[DHC – Private] 20:59:48
Well, yeah, exactly. I mean, that’s what I think for me.

[DHC – Private] 20:59:51
That is an incredible unfolding. Now. And that’s part of what happens next.

[DHC – Private] 20:59:57
I mean, obviously, the show’s gonna go out into the world.

[DHC – Private] 21:00:00
I mean, people will be able to watch it. We’ll be able to watch it through the weekend, and then it’s going to be streaming and streaming musicals, and our goal is to get it.

[DHC – Private] 21:00:07
Other productions of it. But there’s a whole other part that I call unlocking the golden cage, which is this journal.

[Faith Frankel] 21:00:08

[DHC – Private] 21:00:15
It is a series of conversations with people to talk about the themes.

[DHC – Private] 21:00:21
By people I mean people in the cast, but also people who have seen it, and also people who haven’t seen it, and are just talking about the themes because the themes are universal and and I gotta say that for me, I feel like the show just keeps opening and opening and opening and it

[Faith Frankel] 21:00:29

[DHC – Private] 21:00:39
keeps opening up my life and my understanding of the life of my.

[Faith Frankel] 21:00:43
And how thrilling is that! Oh, my God!

[DHC – Private] 21:00:44
It’s amazing to have the conversations and I just did a Tedx talk that’ll come out of the end of May about this about developing this show.

[Tom Casciero] 21:00:47

[Faith Frankel] 21:00:48

[DHC – Private] 21:00:56
And one of the things I said is that there was, you know.

[DHC – Private] 21:00:59
It came from a question, is my life gonna be about freedom or security, and that those 2 questions became these 2 characters A and B and Alpha Beta, and then Alpha and Boris.

[DHC – Private] 21:01:09
What I watched Chris and Maddie the like.

[DHC – Private] 21:01:12
Maybe it was a third time I saw this film when I was watching one of the screenings, and I saw them holding hands at the end.

[DHC – Private] 21:01:18
Something clicked. And I realized that you know, all those years ago.

[DHC – Private] 21:01:22
These 2 parts of me had separated, and through this experience they had just connected.

[DHC – Private] 21:01:28
And it feels like it’s just the beginning of me understanding what is.

[Faith Frankel] 21:01:29

[DHC – Private] 21:01:33
What this show has to tell me.

[Faith Frankel] 21:01:36

[DHC – Private] 21:01:38
So, thank you. Yeah, I’m definitely experiencing that.

[Faith Frankel] 21:01:40
Thank you. Thanks.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:01:42
I think that’s something that’s like I love about this show.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:01:45
And really, like Jeremy do. It is just how like up to interpretation it is, and how everyone has their own views of this and take something different.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:01:54
From it, and I think that’s something so beautiful about this show, because not every show is like that.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:02:01
Some shows are more black and white, or it’s harder to do that like you really have to take a deep dive when I think this like every time someone rewatches it, something new comes up, and I think it even speaks to like you to worry when you watch and you think of new things I think

[Tala Munsterman] 21:02:16
that’s just speaks even louder than everything else, because it’s it’s, I think, what makes for me like live theater and even film life theater like this beautiful is like it just makes you think about yourself and about these themes.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:02:31
And new things that you didn’t even know, or something you needed to consider.

[DHC – Private] 21:02:35
Yeah, and the conversations that happen around it are those that start.

[DHC – Private] 21:02:41
I started realizing after the show, but also when we started doing these screenings, and then, having little tiny groups of like, you know, 4 or 5 people who watched it.

[DHC – Private] 21:02:49
And I began to realize how rich that part of the show is that it?

[DHC – Private] 21:02:55
That it’s that it’s spawning all these ideas and interpretations.

[DHC – Private] 21:03:00
And that’s helped me see my life, and that’s what I wanted.

[DHC – Private] 21:03:04
I wanted to be able to have a way to talk about these things, and I didn’t, and that was one of my reasons for wanting this to really let people know.

[DHC – Private] 21:03:13
This is for multi-generational audiences, meaning I wish I could have wash this with my parents, so that I could have talked about.

[Tom Casciero] 21:03:19

[DHC – Private] 21:03:23
I would have had language to describe what I was experiencing and feeling.

[Tom Casciero] 21:03:28

[Tala Munsterman] 21:03:30
And I think exactly that, like I can’t wait to see what other places.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:03:35
Another theaters pick this up and do it like I can’t wait to see their interpretations of the script in there, and how they put this up and produce it like I cannot wait to see all the I think it’s gonna be such a wide spectrum and it’s gonna be

[Tala Munsterman] 21:03:51
really beautiful to kind of. See how everyone can take like this base story that everyone relates to and puts it out in different ways for different, for all audiences and different audiences. At the same time, I’m really excited to see how further and how far vast this is going to become.

[DHC – Private] 21:04:09
Me too, and I’m also interested in how that it’s a single set, you know.

[DHC – Private] 21:04:15
I mean, you don’t get that feeling like well, that was just a single. They’re flying.

[DHC – Private] 21:04:19
But you know it didn’t feel limited at all.

[DHC – Private] 21:04:23
And so I’m really interested, anyway. Yes, like you. It’s all.

[DHC – Private] 21:04:27
And what’s gonna happen, and how people are gonna interpret.

[DHC – Private] 21:04:29
I see that Terry has a question, and thank you, Faith, so much.

[DHC – Private] 21:04:33
That was beautiful. Terry, you are there she is!

[DHC – Private] 21:04:39
Come on in! Hi!

[Terry Ferraro] 21:04:40
Hi! I might have to. Hi, thank you. I might have to if my connection gets me.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:04:47
I’ll just turn off. So congratulations! It was.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:04:52
I can just close my eyes and see you.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:04:56
That character played you incredibly well.

[DHC – Private] 21:05:02
That was so funny, because the minute you said that I literally appeared on your screen.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:05:08
I know, and in my box in my little. Yeah, okay, she you were.

[Tom Casciero] 21:05:08

[DHC – Private] 21:05:10
Right, right.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:05:16
She was you I mean you’ll and that you wrote the play.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:05:21
I it was like, of course, all those words in the song are just you again, you know.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:05:26
So it was. It was interesting for me to see that, and it was awesome to see that, you know, to actually have you express yourself out in the world that way.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:05:41
So, yeah.

[DHC – Private] 21:05:43
Like somebody else being me. And you know what’s funny, Terry, is that Maddie’s parents were at the show, and they came up, and they were all.

[DHC – Private] 21:05:51
It’s her. It’s, you know. This this is who Maddie really is.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:05:56

[DHC – Private] 21:05:56
And so I wonder, you know. I wonder if this is a is a part of all of us. I don’t know.

[DHC – Private] 21:06:01
I don’t know if people are. People can identify with getting to be alfia.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:05
Right, and I have 3 more things. If I can say it.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:09
Yeah. Okay. One was when it was a moment when Boris forced himself he didn’t stay until his role of gently.

[DHC – Private] 21:06:09
Yes, please.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:22
Allowing that transition, it was a force. Okay? And I’m saying, I feel like a man person, sex on a woman type of thing.

[DHC – Private] 21:06:31

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:33
It was that forcing something, but anyway but that forcing where it didn’t matter.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:37
I don’t care if you swallow the marbles.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:38
I don’t care anything. Just blow that horn and let let me get in here already. I had enough.

[DHC – Private] 21:06:41

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:44
I have no more patience, but where we lose that you know, we’re always focused on the that outcome where you jump.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:55
Those steps because it’s you. It’s selfish.

[DHC – Private] 21:06:56

[Terry Ferraro] 21:06:59
It’s you you want when you want it, and you’re not paying attention to the other person anymore.

[DHC – Private] 21:06:59

[Terry Ferraro] 21:07:05
You know you’re hosted, I mean, I’m saying he did.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:07:08
Great in the play. I’m just saying we’re actually demonstrating the losing of, you know the intention you had to have it as a smooth transition to No.

[DHC – Private] 21:07:15

[Terry Ferraro] 21:07:20
Too bad, don’t I? That’s it.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:07:21
I’m on wide sheets, feel, don’t I gotta go? Do!

[Terry Ferraro] 21:07:25
And you know, forget about you anymore. It’s only about me, you know, and you did brilliantly.

[DHC – Private] 21:07:26

[Terry Ferraro] 21:07:31
But I just wanted to say that. Did it come across that God?

[Terry Ferraro] 21:07:35
You wanna say something different.

[DHC – Private] 21:07:35
Yeah, I mean you. That was one of the moments that when when we were workshopping it, people would be like, Well, I can’t handle that like, you know.

[DHC – Private] 21:07:42
How come these? You know? No, we can’t do this.

[DHC – Private] 21:07:46
I hate him, and I have come to really love that moment, because what’s really is so bizarre to me is that I’ve been thinking a lot about it because I’ve been thinking that moment of trust.

[DHC – Private] 21:08:00
There’s a moment before that when they have trust in the acapella moment, and I’m thinking that this trust is so powerful that it can withstand all this crappy stuff that they do.

[DHC – Private] 21:08:14
I mean, they’re each being crappy, I mean, she’s just like, no, I’m not gonna I don’t care what you do.

[DHC – Private] 21:08:19
I’m gonna stay here, and he’s like, no, you’re gonna get out there, you know.

[DHC – Private] 21:08:22
And yet and and yet it is the one thing that actually liberates them both, and I thought a lot about it, and because it does seem so crappy, and yet, you know, there are things that I’ve done in my life that are that Crappy, because I wanted something so badly.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:08:45
Yeah. The, yeah. I wanna turn this again. There was enough.

[DHC – Private] 21:08:48
And so yeah, I mean, I’m glad you brought that out.

[DHC – Private] 21:08:50
But that was a thing that I really had to figure out.

[DHC – Private] 21:08:54
That was one of the moments I really had to figure out for the show.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:08:57

[DHC – Private] 21:08:57
You said you had. What were you gonna say?

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:04
Jeeze. There was another part when there was a switch.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:08
Okay. When she was happy Boris was in that cage.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:12
I mean she was a staff it was like the best of her life.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:15
Just happens. Okay? And you were sitting in the chair Boris is sitting in the chair, and she does reach for you.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:23
And there’s this moment of connection, or love, or she was. That’s it.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:27
She was happy, did not have to leave the cage ever again, and she was gonna be happy.

[DHC – Private] 21:09:31

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:32
A new Boris could not have it no way, no!

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:36
How not have it cannot smell, stuck in this with here I have to have this cage all by myself.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:42
Whoa! Right! It’s like it’s it’s me all the way, 100% and no other way.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:48
I cannot see another way. I cannot see a possibility with this person. I cannot.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:52
I’m blinded to. It’s gotta be the way I see it in the old way.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:09:56
So then the part, if you think about it, you both wind up on the outside with the freedom, and be happy.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:10:05
But what if there was a shift in that person in Boris that you both could have been happy inside the cage?

[DHC – Private] 21:10:12
Well, I’ve thought a lot about that, Terry. And the here, because here’s the thing that’s amazing to me.

[DHC – Private] 21:10:21
If she stayed in the cage she would have never realized she was a flying creature.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:10:27

[DHC – Private] 21:10:28
She actually had to go off the cliff, and she had to almost crash, and she had to see the ground racing, and she had to surrender.

[DHC – Private] 21:10:39
It was her surrender to that death really, that opened her arms, and it was her opening, her arms that actually got her wings.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:10:49
Right. Oh, right. So I did that. Oh, sorry!

[Tom Casciero] 21:10:49
Perfect birth. Yeah, the death and rebirth.

[DHC – Private] 21:10:56
Death in reverse.

[Tom Casciero] 21:10:56
And and rebirth. Yeah, yeah, like.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:10:59

[DHC – Private] 21:10:59
Oh, death. Yeah, but I mean I love the controversy about this part of the show, because it is.

[DHC – Private] 21:11:07
I think it’s really hard. It’s not cut and dried.

[DHC – Private] 21:11:10
It’s not like, yeah. Oh, he was good. He did the right.

[DHC – Private] 21:11:12
No, he really did an evil thing. And yet it was the thing that allowed the change.

[DHC – Private] 21:11:20
That’s what.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:11:20
I find it so crazy that that it’s I.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:11:25
Until this moment, never considered that I have never had any ill will towards for us at all, because I feel like sometimes people just they need that last like shuttle, like you have that.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:11:38
And I think it’s that’s part where it comes in, like I relate to our feel of like kind of like staying where you’re safe, wanting more, but not not willing to take that step.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:11:48
And sometimes you quite literally need a shove like Boris does.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:11:53
And so I never like kind of muted that way of him, being mean or evil is, it’s more of just being like honest and truthful.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:12:05
And it’s very interesting that you talk differently about.

[DHC – Private] 21:12:06
No hate at all.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:12:09
I haven’t considered that at all like that’s just crazy to me.

[DHC – Private] 21:12:12
He definitely in my mind, he definitely gets taken over by his desire, and he is no longer thinking rationally, and that was the big part that people get. You will hear it in the Tedx talk.

[Terry Ferraro] 21:12:22

[DHC – Private] 21:12:27
People were like, I don’t get it. How could he do that?

[DHC – Private] 21:12:29
I don’t like him. I don’t want to see the show. I don’t like him.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:12:33
Really like. I agree, I think, that it’s, you know.

[DHC – Private] 21:12:33

[Tala Munsterman] 21:12:38
He snaps, and that his his desires, like overtake him. For a moment there!

[Tala Munsterman] 21:12:43
But I that’s why I would never be so upset with it. I don’t know.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:12:49
That’s just it’s a it’s making my brain try to look and think of it differently, cause I very much like, I think, that where would we be if Boris hadn’t done that, Boris hadn’t let go and let that take over.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:13:04
For a moment and be, you know, selfish. In that moment.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:13:08
They wouldn’t have the opportunity to be free together, you know, or even the opportunity to live in the cage together.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:13:17
If that was what they choose, because that I feel like I remember we had that conversation about what did they do after the end of the show?

[Tala Munsterman] 21:13:26
Do they fly away and go on more budgets together, or do they go back to the cage together?

[Tala Munsterman] 21:13:31
And I feel like I remember it being very split of.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:13:33
Everyone was like. No, I think they do this. No, I think they do that, and it kind of revolves back to that interpretation thing which I love because we can all pull what we need from it.

[DHC – Private] 21:13:44
Well, that’s my favorite part is that there are these arguments about it.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:13:44
And it’s just wild. It’s crazy.

[DHC – Private] 21:13:48
I’m gonna read something answered. And then I’m gonna pull Tom up again.

[DHC – Private] 21:13:53
So Anth said also we feel less upset about Boris because after he pushes her he comes out of the cage with her.

[DHC – Private] 21:13:58
I’d still be interested in, know what Chris thinks of the idea of himself playing the part of Alpha, especially as he is reflected across the last year, and realize he’s increasingly identified with aspects of Alfia that’s interesting.

[DHC – Private] 21:14:12
I mean. I would love to know like what would happen if you oh, my God!

[DHC – Private] 21:14:16
See now I’m like, Oh, one night you play Alfia, and you play for it, and and Thatdy plays Alfia, and then you switch.

[Tom Casciero] 21:14:18

[DHC – Private] 21:14:23
The next night, just a

[Chris Isolano] 21:14:24
Well, I have to say like they’re, you know. There is a huge aspect of that when he is kind of losing her in the cage when when he gets, you know, so fed up with what’s what is becoming of the cage around him, and he you know is is you

[Chris Isolano] 21:14:45
know talking to his feather, which is really just an amalgamation of him, and he’s just like I’m losing my mind.

[Chris Isolano] 21:14:51
But he key. He gets into this rhythm that she is in at the beginning of the show, and he actually repeats the exact same lyrics.

[Chris Isolano] 21:15:02
She’s spoken word lyrics that she that is our introduction to her in the beginning with her today, today.

[Chris Isolano] 21:15:11
And that was one of the hardest parts for me to kind of craft in our rehearsal process, because at first I was feeling very much like I was just mimicking, and then I came to find that it really wasn’t that at all that I really wasn’t just experiencing.

[Chris Isolano] 21:15:34
Exactly what she was expecting. I had the exact same environment, the exact same tools, I’ve been told the exact same things, and so that all added up to me, literally living the exact same moments that she was just living.

[Chris Isolano] 21:15:51
And that’s when he starts to really understand that he’s losing his mind, and that, you know, he’s most likely made a horrible mistake.

[Chris Isolano] 21:16:01
That he is now thinking that he will maybe never be able to undo.

[Chris Isolano] 21:16:08
Which and which is, you know, just the best setup for for the final song for Boris’s.

[Chris Isolano] 21:16:18
You know him professing his his sorrow and his grief for what has happened and what you know we’re we’ve been talking about this.

[Chris Isolano] 21:16:26
Idea that people feel can feel angry at Boris, for you know, coaxing her, and for barging into the cage, and then for kind of tricking her into leaving the cage, and then essentially pushing her, even though she asked but really taking the step

[Chris Isolano] 21:16:52
to to do the thing that he knows is essentially wrong, because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen to her when he pushes her.

[Chris Isolano] 21:17:01
He does believe that he has killed her. But there’s there’s this wonderful part about it, you know, Boris, and Alfia were both told.

[Chris Isolano] 21:17:12
This myth as children, and that’s kind of really where I started with Boris was that he is.

[Chris Isolano] 21:17:19
He is completely driven by his childhood, he is compelled by all numbers that he has to fulfill.

[Chris Isolano] 21:17:33
This childhood, need he is so attached to it, and I’ve experienced this in my life where you are so attached to something where either you learned as a child something that you wanted as a child, something that you dreamt of there’s so many different aspects of things that we that

[Chris Isolano] 21:17:48
we carry with us in life from childhood, and they can be very.

[Chris Isolano] 21:17:56
You can become very, very ugly from those kinds of things, but sometimes it takes that ugliness in life to release yourself from that and see it from the other side, as now you know, a grown adult who has kind of lived through that experience and

[Chris Isolano] 21:20:20
releasing yourself from, you know, whatever it might be. Childhood dreams, traumas loves is is, I think, so important, and such an such a hard part of life in general to go through.

[Chris Isolano] 21:20:35
That to experience, that when you see it in this story, it’s very, very.

[Chris Isolano] 21:20:43
It’s hard. It’s really hard to decide whether you are on their side or not.

[Chris Isolano] 21:20:52
But as someone you know, who who has experienced these kinds of things in life, you know, it’s just a moment.

[Chris Isolano] 21:21:00
It doesn’t make Boris a bad person.

[Chris Isolano] 21:21:04
It doesn’t make, you know, Alfie, a better person.

[Chris Isolano] 21:21:08
It is just what he’s experiencing in the moment, and I think that we can all identify with being carried away also in life.

[Chris Isolano] 21:21:18
But that being tied to Boris’s childhood really makes it something.

[Chris Isolano] 21:21:21
I think that people respond to as this like ugly behavior that makes you not want to root for the character anymore.

[Chris Isolano] 21:19:29
But then there are like we’ve talked about. There are so many then redeeming moments of the story then unfold, and a Boris starts to understand.

[Chris Isolano] 21:19:39
Kind of what? How’s happened and what he has done, and what the world around him actually is.

[Chris Isolano] 21:19:46
Aside from what he has just, you know, with these blinders on, believed it to be.

[Chris Isolano] 21:19:52
That’s really interesting points.

[DHC – Private] 21:19:53
Yeah, I really love this part of the show. I love that people, you know.

[DHC – Private] 21:19:59
Look at it. I wanna read something Luke is saying, Lucas saying.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:03
He reached out to her with selfish intent. It’s true he wanted it so much that he would do anything to get it, including pushing her off the cliff.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:10
True, when she was out she discovered what Boris had known all along, except for he was lying, although that person didn’t say it but she knows where he is stuck now.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:20
Yes, she’s the only one who actually knows, and she reaches out to him with compassion and taught him what was meant.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:27
Like she’s the one who finally learns the the key that unlocks the cage.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:34
The thing that that fascinates me is that the Boris is selfish.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:40
He does do this with evil intent, and yet it is the.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:46
It is the thing that is needed, and he is lying to her.

[DHC – Private] 21:20:52
He’s he makes this all up. He’s lying to her and yet it is the truth, and that’s the thing that just fascinates me so much, because it what and that makes me think about that moment of trust it.

[DHC – Private] 21:21:04
Makes me go back to the moment, because it makes me think that.

[DHC – Private] 21:21:06
And I said It’s better in in the Journal something like once that trust has been established, even for a millisecond.

[DHC – Private] 21:21:15
It then puts into place everything that has to happen, whether it seems evil or not, that will actually, or whether it’s evil intent or not, it puts into place everything that will liberate both of them.

[DHC – Private] 21:21:30
And that’s that’s bizarre to me.

[DHC – Private] 21:21:33
But wonderful. And anyway, so thanks Luke, and I’m just gonna.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:21:37
I think that that exactly what you’re saying, though I I think it is completely true but I don’t think that makes force bad. Guy.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:21:45
I don’t think I in no way thinks worse is the villain of this show. I don’t think there’s a villain except for our own ambitions and our own intentions, and so, like I just that’s why I think that’s why it was such a revolutionary. Thing.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:21:58
That people don’t like Boris. I was like what?

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:01
That this is baffling to me, because I think I think it’s so human and so like everyone.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:08
No one is perfect. I think we have all had moments like that.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:12
Where are we’ve let our inhibitions and our inner thoughts get the best of us, and I think what we see, and we all experience is that regret afterwards.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:24
You know that we start to see that boards when he’s in the cage.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:26
Oh, crap like this is not what I thought it was, and regretting that moment, and I think exactly it’s Alfia reaching out and showing that compassion that was a great way to that.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:38
You said it. That’s the key to unlocking the cage like that’s beautiful.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:41

[Tom Casciero] 21:22:42
He regrets it right away as soon as it happens, he regrets it so in some way he’s redeeming himself almost immediately.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:22:50

[Tom Casciero] 21:22:51
When he switches out it makes him look at himself and see what he is willing to do.

[Tom Casciero] 21:22:57
That is not in accord with his values, and so I just thought that was really and the you’re talking about the ugliness, Chris, and it, you know, it’s like in young and psychology we talk about.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:23:00
Yes, exactly.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:12
You know. Really, you know, facing our shadows, you know the shadow sides of ourselves, a dark side of ourselves.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:19
And so he’s he’s forced to do that.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:21
Actually, I think both of them are in in a moment.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:24
But I trying to read my notes here, you also talked about dream by your childhood, I mean, and this is again in in a lot of psychological theories.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:34
You know, we have something happen to us sometimes it’s traumatic.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:38
Sometimes it’s just happened, and then we have complexes because our brains are not.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:44
I bring our brains are not developed enough when we’re very, very young, to be able to process information.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:50
It gets placed somewhere else, either in the unconscious state or in your body.

[Tom Casciero] 21:23:55
You know, and it comes out later in your life. And so you have to deal with it, and the whole idea is to take that energy.

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:02
That’s bound up in there and transform it. Not try to kill it, not try to get rid of it.

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:09
You have to transform the energy. And that’s you know, that’s kind of what happens in this whole thing.

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:13
It’s about transformation to their classic complexes.

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:16
I mean I love the idea of lying the truth but you, said Debra, I was like what?

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:23

[DHC – Private] 21:24:23
That’s probably my favorite part about this whole thing is that once something is set in motion, it doesn’t matter.

[DHC – Private] 21:24:32
I mean, someone can lie through their teeth, and yet you may get the truth that you need out of it.

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:38
And Chris, you you were talking about, you know, as a kid that.

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:44
So what we’re seeing here also is generational trauma.

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:46
Or generational training. So when you break that cycle, that hold chain down, your whole lineage breaks and they’re free from it, which is really powerful.

[DHC – Private] 21:24:47

[Tom Casciero] 21:24:56
And again, we’re talking about on all kinds of levels here.

[DHC – Private] 21:24:59
I love that the conversation always goes in these directions after the show.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:05
That’s what I love about it. I’m just want to reach that.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:08
Read something that Lori said, she said. I hope we’ll get to be on some kind of list to learn when and where the show is put on.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:13
Put out there again can’t wait to see it live and that is what we’re hoping for.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:17
We’re hoping that for people will license it and put it on. Live.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:21
And yes, we will definitely be sharing and and, you know, selling everything.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:28
I just want to read a couple more things other people have said in the chat.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:31
I’m Laurie again said. For me. The universal line was at the end when Alfia talks about the barge.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:36
The bars are forged by every pain and sorrow.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:40
You’ve known that was the part that I think no one is.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:44
No one escapes in life, and I love that people are able to just kind of comment with it each other on these chats.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:55
That was a beautiful point. When Alfie comes back.

[DHC – Private] 21:25:58
She made a compassionate choice. Right? I never thought about that.

[DHC – Private] 21:26:01
Okay, I just want to see if there’s if it.

[DHC – Private] 21:26:05
If there’s anything else that I don’t think there’s other things.

[DHC – Private] 21:26:11
Okay, I’m gonna go back and look at every single one of these.

[DHC – Private] 21:26:14
By the way, I love what what I read in these chats, and it looks like you’re also back on.

[DHC – Private] 21:26:21
So we’ve got 5 of us here now.

[Anne Horton] 21:26:25
Yes. Well, I’m glad Tom’s still here, because something he just said made me think of another question.

[Anne Horton] 21:26:32
So, if if you are able to break a generational cycle, and you’ll free from it, what happens to those that are your children and your grandchildren?

[Anne Horton] 21:26:43
Are they automatically free from it? Because you were? Or is it too late?

[Anne Horton] 21:26:48
It’s already been passed on to them, and they’re gonna have to break it themselves.

[Tom Casciero] 21:26:54

[Tom Casciero] 21:26:57
You know I was only thinking about it going back, because, you know, during my recent divorce I found some things that were generational, and I just went to.

[Tom Casciero] 21:27:09
I just went right on right after them, and just took care of them and them. And then I realized that it broke the chain behind and I don’t know about whether it breaks.

[Tom Casciero] 21:27:21
I would imagine I would imagine our children do feel it in some ways, but I think when it breaks I think there’s a lessening of it.

[Tom Casciero] 21:27:29
If they have to deal with it and it’s their karma, but I think it will be on a lesser, lesser level cause you’re taking that psychic energy away from the event.

[Anne Horton] 21:27:38

[Tom Casciero] 21:27:39
So it’s it may even take it away from the people who are who are your children.

[Anne Horton] 21:27:43
Hmm! I guess the key would be if it broke before they were born or after cause, if they’ve already seen it in play, it’s already been passed on right that you broke it for you, but they don’t actually benefit so much from that cause it’s already being passed on to them they’ll have to

[Tom Casciero] 21:27:51

[Anne Horton] 21:28:01
break it themselves, and maybe they got a better chance of that, because now they are seeing someone before them who is modeling.

[Anne Horton] 21:28:09
This is how it was maybe they’re not articulating.

[Anne Horton] 21:28:11
This is how this is, what it is, and this is how it’s broken.

[Anne Horton] 21:28:15
But they’re living 3, and they’re now modeling that.

[Tom Casciero] 21:28:19
I kinda look at it like you know, like this, like this pressing down is all these generations.

[Tom Casciero] 21:28:27
So, even if you’re the person down here who’s just was born into this thing.

[Tom Casciero] 21:28:33
With this removed, you’ve got this whole weight. That’s just not there.

[Anne Horton] 21:28:37

[Tom Casciero] 21:28:37
So you’re probably gonna be there. But it’s not gonna be as weighted.

[Tom Casciero] 21:28:41
There’s not gonna be as much for me. There’s not gonna be as much.

[Tom Casciero] 21:28:45
Hmm risk.

[Anne Horton] 21:28:45

[Tala Munsterman] 21:28:46
I had never thought of it as like specifically like a generational trauma until this moment, and I love the idea of that because I’ve always thought of what a part of the story that I really liked was that even though Boris on feel have break this cage.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:29:04
And they leave. The cage is not like it’s still there, like I feel like it’s still something that’s always gonna be a part of them.

[Anne Horton] 21:29:10

[Tala Munsterman] 21:29:13
And honestly, always something that they could go back to the it’ll forever be almost like a temptation of not going back to so for me, just relating to a little bit of that generation trauma of like, even though the chain is broken, and it’s going to set forth a change

[Tom Casciero] 21:29:24

[Tala Munsterman] 21:29:31
there’s still that’s still always going to be a part of the past.

[Tala Munsterman] 21:29:37
You know, and always going to be something there that you are.

[Tom Casciero] 21:29:37
Yeah, but it won’t be charged. The charge has been, the charge has been, you know, released.

[Tom Casciero] 21:29:45
So now it’s just a cage, now, I mean, not just a cage doesn’t have a psychic charge on it anymore.

[Tom Casciero] 21:29:52
I mean, that’s the whole idea is of breaking those things there’s a kind of there’s a deep charge, and when they’re gone, man, I’ll tell you I’m a different person.

[Tom Casciero] 21:30:02
When I blew that thing away I’m a different person.

[Tom Casciero] 21:30:04
I I’m so happy I’m so proud!

[Tom Casciero] 21:30:07
I’m like I thought to myself. You know I don’t care what happens in the divorce.

[Tom Casciero] 21:30:11
This has brought all this stuff forward from your work when I worked on it, and I’m like I’ve already won 41.

[Tom Casciero] 21:30:18
It’s like great. So I, you know, you did. It really frees up the even more of the love that’s in each one of us.

[Tom Casciero] 21:30:26
It, freeze it up. It’s really sweet.

[DHC – Private] 21:30:27
So this is part of why I really want to do this unlocking the golden cage project in which in which we have people, you know, use the journal, and then literally meet in rooms like this.

[DHC – Private] 21:30:41
But go into breakout rooms because I these are the conversations that happened after every single, every single one of the screenings, and none of the conversations with the same.

[DHC – Private] 21:30:53
It’s not like you can say, Oh, well, I’ve heard that before.

[DHC – Private] 21:30:54
Every single one of them is different. Okay.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:30:56
Yeah, Laura, I wanted to say I just was so inspired by everything and so inspired by everyone’s comments that I just didn’t.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:31:09
I couldn’t say anything because I thought everyone had just captured the essence in in their own expressions of what you’ve done, and I just think all I had to say.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:31:21
I just said, it’s beautiful and exquisite, and I think I do believe that every I’m not exactly a performer, but I do believe that every every performance is different.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:31:36
It’s never exactly the same twice, and it was so beautiful that it just it’s so powerful and poignant.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:31:44
And it’s always evolving. And one of the things that I loved most about it was the colors and the softness in that section that’s green.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:31:59
Or blue at the end. I I’m colorblind, but I hadn’t.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:32:06
I thought I hadn’t seen that before. Where the stage goes blue, and they’re they’re thinking about meeting.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:32:15
And it’s just so beautiful I can’t say anything beyond what everyone else has said.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:32:21
It’s just spectacular.

[DHC – Private] 21:32:22
Well, thank you, Nancy. You know something I have noticed in these talkbacks is that people will will.

[DHC – Private] 21:32:30
I sort of see something different that always that quote always was there.

[DHC – Private] 21:32:35
But we’ll see it differently. So, and see it in a different color, because I’ve heard that kind of comment before.

[DHC – Private] 21:32:41
That’s really interesting. That’s really beautiful.

[DHC – Private] 21:32:43
Thank you.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:32:44
And the feathers and the the feathery fence, and it just gives me goose bumps.

[DHC – Private] 21:32:48

[DHC – Private] 21:32:52
Yeah, me, too. As I see it. And as I realized it was, it was the story was reinvented by each designer and each actor, until it’s this multi-layer.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:32:59

[DHC – Private] 21:33:02
And then Tim came in and reinvented it again with the orchestration.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:33:06
And the singing is so beautiful. Just the 2 voices.

[DHC – Private] 21:33:08

[Nancy Cochran] 21:33:11
It just takes your breath away.

[Chris Isolano] 21:33:13
Thank you. Man!

[DHC – Private] 21:33:13
Well, thank you. Thanks so much. Well, I know we could keep talking for hours and hours and hours, and I just Chris, I want to thank you so much for coming.

[Chris Isolano] 21:33:17

[DHC – Private] 21:33:24
And Tala, thank you so much for stage meaging all this, Betsy, thank you for being here, Tom.

[DHC – Private] 21:33:29
I’m just gonna say hello to everybody. And then I wanna make sure that you know that we just found out this is gonna this is, gonna be available through the weekend.

[DHC – Private] 21:33:38
So please tell your friends. Tell everybody you know they will be able to go back and watch it, and we’ll so anyway, I won’t want to say hello to myself and Tammy and Nancy and Anne and Betsy and Carol and Chris.

[DHC – Private] 21:33:51
And Connie and Dave Davita and Diane and Edgar and Evelyn I know a lot of people left and said really lovely things, and Jean and Jeff and Jeffrey, it’s so great to see you here, and Joy Joyce and June and Kimberly and

[DHC – Private] 21:34:08
I wanna hear what Jeffrey thinks of it when he can send it privately to wages.

[DHC – Private] 21:34:13
Laurie and Luke and Mary and Mary’s been helping with the writing the journal with me, and well, she’s been doing most of the writing, Nancy and Rebecca and Renzel and Robin and Scott and Judith.

[DHC – Private] 21:34:26
Oh, it’s Scott and Judith Yay, and Talla and Terry, and Tom, and Wendy and Tammy.

[DHC – Private] 21:34:33
Thank you everybody for for staying so long, and having this conversation, and I cannot wait to have this conversation again.

[DHC – Private] 21:34:41
Betsy, did I say hello to you in that list? Okay, good.

[DHC – Private] 21:34:45
I’m just I I will drop. I will not drop.

[DHC – Private] 21:34:49
I will gently remove, and then I’m gonna pull everybody up.

[DHC – Private] 21:34:53
Thank you.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:34:55
Remember remember Frank Della, when you get to New York.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:34:59
Remember, Frank.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:00
Okay, okay, I will. I will. So everybody, I’m gonna pull everybody up now.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:05
Thank you for being part of this and making this happen in everything that you’ve done. It’s the beginning.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:13
I know a lot of people watched on different. Some people were watching on streaming musicals, feed.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:20
Some people were watching in a place where they. Anyway, there’s lots of people watching, but we want as many people as possible to get to see it.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:26
So please do send them this weekend, and thank you.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:31
Thank you. This was just amazing and, Tammy, thank you for your support.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:37
And and Terry! Thanks for coming. I’ll be in touch with everybody, and I know we’re gonna meet a command headquarters Talla and the rest of the team.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:46
Chris, wow! Thank you for this amazing conversation. And and, Tom, thank you for your questions, and hope to see all of you again.

[DHC – Private] 21:35:54
Very, very, very, very soon. Bye, thank you, and don’t forget.

[Chris Isolano] 21:35:56
By all. Thank you.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:35:58
Thank you.

[DHC – Private] 21:36:00
Oh, don’t forget to go and give and give a review on the on. Did we give?

[DHC – Private] 21:36:06
Can we give those licenses to you guys again?

[DHC – Private] 21:36:08
I wanna make sure that you do that? Cause it’d be really, really fun to see those okay.

[DHC – Private] 21:36:12
Now farewell! Adios, bye.

[Nancy Cochran] 21:36:14
Thank you.