The Golden Cage “Creative Ambassador Rally”

with DHC and Andre Prez

The Golden Cage  “Creative Ambassador Rally” with DHC and Andre Perez is a training in community-powered social media marketing and fundraising and I would LOVE you to be apart of! You’ll learn how to have FUN effectively supporting and  promoting events like the upcoming “Golden Cage” crowdfunding campaign and World-Wide film release!
Once you learn this skill you’ll be able to use it over and over to support people, events and ideas you love – including your own projects!!
Andre is fundraising coach, filmmaker, storyteller, community network facilitator and social media strategist. There will be a replay – but getting to actually be in the virtual room with Andre, and be able to ask questions will be a huge opportunity and a great treat. I’ve wanted to work with Andre for years and am finally getting the opportunity and I’m sooooo excited I’m getting to share this with YOU!!!  And in a small-group setting, it’s amazing – so I can’t wait
“The Golden Cage” is a musical – by Deborah Henson-Conant – about being stuck,  reeeeally stuck, like in your own invisible I-literally-can’t-get-out cage. Sound familiar? It’s also about being so hungry to achieve a dream that you can’t see that you’re trapping yourself!  It’s a musical for multigenerational audiences, a parable about the isolation we create for ourselves – and how freedom only comes when we allow others to reach in to us. It’s about discovering that, together, we can escape the trap of isolation – and finally rediscover the wings of freedom we were born with.



Our First “Creative Ambassador Rally” with DHC and Andre Perez Thu. Mar. 30


To start the replay, just look for the little arrow in the lower left-hand corner of the embedded video above. To watch full-screen click on the 4-arrow icon in the lower right corner. To speed up or slow down the video, click on the gear icon in the lower right corner.  Please add your own insights, revelations and takeaways below in the comments, even if someone else already said the same thing!  Just say it in your own way or say it again the way they did.