Promotional Toolkit

For our Friends, Partners & Sponsors

This provides the official challenge link, What we need by when, and Images & Text you can cut & paste into Emails & Social Media Posts.

OFFICIAL LINK: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin
OFFICIAL IMAGE (ABOVE): All images are provided full-size in this folder
DOCUMENT VERSION: The contents of this page is also here in this document

What is the 5-Day Blues Jam Harp Challenge?

An online learning experience for harpists (both pedal and lever) of all levels.

  • Each day, participants receive a short video training & a challenge to share.
  • They share it on the ‘Harpists Who Dare’ Facebook Group
  • A daily winner is chosen at random from all who share.
  • The true reward is: everyone learns the power of Riffs to open the door to Improvisation, Blues – and YOUR creative expression.

Learn more at the Challenge Info Page first.

What we need from you:

1. An EMAIL TO YOUR LIST (Sent by June 24 – July 10). Use our Cut-&-Paste images and text below. Always send people here: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

2. TWO SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS (Posted by June 24 – July 10). Images and posts examples you can cut and paste are below. As above, just make sure to send people to this link: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

3. YOUR LOGO OK – Please link us to the logo that you want us to use for the Challenge Info Page. Kindly send it to info@hipharp.com


4. A PRIZE for one of the Daily Prizes (by July 5). It can be anything worth about $50 – like a Gift Certificate to your catalog, or a specific item (like an online class)

5. A PROMOTION (By July 8). This is an opportunity to promote your business by offering a current discount or a freebie to all challenge participants.

THANK YOU for being part of this CELEBRATION of the world harp community and helping us spread the word about the FREEDOM and FUN of Improvising on the Harp

Between: June 24 – July 10, 2024

Use as much or as little of the email text we provided as you’d like

This is the Banner for the Challenge:

Email Examples to send to your mailing list:

Feel free to use or change any part of the email options below in your own email, and write it in a way that works for you – or take from the challenge page: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

NOTE: Do not grab the texts colored red

Email Option #1:

Subject Line: Learn the power of riffs in 5 Days FREE with Deborah Henson-Conant

Dear ______,

Our great friend Deborah Henson-Conant LOVES teaching improv … and once a year she shares a FREE Online 5-Day Blues Jam Harp Challenge for harpists all over the world. This year it runs Jul. 8-14 and you can register for FREE here: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

Have you ever taken part in one of Deborah’s FREE online challenges? They’re super fun ONLINE learning experiences for lever and pedal harp players of any level. And we’ll be providing one of the daily prizes during this challenge!

Each day you get a 15-minute video training with practice ideas and challenge questions. Each day you do the training, share the answers and at the end – you’re improvising! You meet harpists all over the world AND there are prizes! And the biggest prize of all? Creative FREEDOM as YOU learn to improvise!

Are you ready to join? Sign up here for FREE: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

[Partners: Note – If you want to add more, here are more details]

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • The coolest-sounding warm-ups you ever played
  • THE PENTATONIC SCALE opens up a world of BLUESY IMPROV where EVERY note sounds good!
  • How to BEND Notes and SWING your rhythm

“I feel so much more confidence now knowing it doesn’t have to be perfect or complicated.” ~Fern Nelson

Ready to play with freedom? Here’s where you sign up:

Sign up for FREE here https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

[Partners: PLEASE ALWAYS USE THIS LINK only and make sure it doesn’t include any ‘queries’ (the ‘&’ sign and anything that follows it in a link)

Email Option #2:

Subject Line: FREE HARP Challenge … starting Mon. July 10!

Dear _______,

Imagine the freedom of playing without written music. Imagine the joy, the ease, the CONFIDENCE of effortlessly bridging one song to another, adding improv to every piece you play, feeling more freedom, joy and confidence in every note you pluck.

Now … imagine learning the basics of Improvisation in only 5 days … for FREE … Online with other harpists around the world, in 5 short video lessons with one of the world’s masters of harp improv – Deborah Henson-Conant.

That’s what the 2024 5-Day Blues Jam Harp Challenge is all about!

Join the FREE 5-Day Blues Jam Harp Challenge Here >>

[Partners: PLEASE ALWAYS USE THIS LINK: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin and make sure it doesn’t include any ‘queries’ (the ‘&’ sign and anything that follows it in a link)

Here’s what other harpists said about this challenge:

“I’ve been so uplifted throughout the whole year!” – Ruth Shepherd

“I have been sharing harp videos with family and friends which I never would have done before.” – Dilys Williams

Ready to feel the freedom? Sign up now:

Join the FREE 5-Day Blues Jam Harp Challenge Here >>

[Partners: PLEASE ALWAYS USE THIS LINK: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin and make sure it doesn’t include any ‘queries’ (the ‘&’ sign and anything that follows it in a link)

It starts July 8 and runs through July 14

Between: June 24 – July 10, 2024

Use any of the images with any of the captions below, or write your own.
The images below are provided full-size in this folder
or just Right-Click photos to grab them from here


Open these toggles below and copy-paste it to your social media post.

POST OPTION #1 (Post this on or before the Challenge starts on Mon. Jul. 8th)

Join our great friend Deborah Henson-Conant for a FREE 5-Day BLUES JAM HARP Challenge Jul. 8-14. JOIN FREE HERE: https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

Deborah’s Blues Jam Harp Challenge is a FUN 5-Day training you can take at your own pace. Each day you get a 15-minute video training with practice ideas and challenge questions. Each day you do the training, share the answers and at the end – you’re improvising! You meet harpists all over the world AND there are prizes!

#harpchallenge #challengewithDHC #blues #harp #harpist #harpmusic #harpmusician #fun #musician #funmusic #harpforever #dhc #hipharpist

POST OPTION #2 (Post when the Challenge is live - Jul. 9th - 13th)

Have you joined the FREE 2024 5-Day Blues Jam Harp Challenge with our great friend Deborah Henson-Conant? It starts July 8 – and runs through July 14 so it’s not too late!

Sign Up now! https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin

What does freedom feel like? If you play the harp it feels like your fingers are dancing, discovering. Not tied to the notes on page, not constrained by what you’re ‘supposed’ to do. No comparing yourself to anyone else. No worries about hitting the wrong note.

Pure. Complete. Joy. All about connection – NOT perfection. That’s the joy of improvisation.

Now – what if you could learn the basics of improv in 5 short lessons – one a day for 5 days? That’s the 5-Day Harp Improv Challenge with Deborah Henson-Conant.
DHC offers this challenge for free once a year and it’s about to start! Sign Up now! https://www.hipharp.com/5dbjhc-optin
#harpchallenge #challengewithDHC #blues #harp #harpist #harpmusic #harpmusician #fun #musician #funmusic #harpforever #dhc #hipharpist

"5-DAY Harp IMPROV Challenge" 

A FREE Training 
from  Deborah Henson-Conant


Learn the First Step of Freedom: Free Yourself from Reading the Notes on the Page.  Register here to join the challenge

Woohoo! You'r Registered for the 2022 "5-Day Harp Improv" Challenge!